The horae tarball is distributed with all the CPAN modules that are required for the program. In order to save archive space and because one of the modules is non-free, the tarball has been modified from the original by completely removing the contents of the 0CPAN directory. The Ifeffit perl wrapper is not built as it is available as a separate package. The horae_update program is not included with the distribution as it is not used for Debian. Carlo U. Segre, June 26, 2006 ----- If you have visibility problems with the fixed fonts in artemis or athena or the fonts are so large that buttons are missing at the bottom of the window, you will need to edit ~/.horae/athenarc or ~/.horae/artemisrc to resolve the problem. The font information is a the bottom of these two files and the fonts most likely to need changes for visibility are those identified as "fixed" and "entry". Increasing or decreasing the point sizes by 2 should improve legibility or allow display of the buttons in the windows. Carlo U. Segre, July 29, 2007 ----- The standards put all scientific software into a top level menu category called "Education". This is short-sighted and just plain wrong but until they change it, has to be rectified in the Window Manager configurations. KDE and Gnome already provide for a "Science" top level category but XFCE4 does not. It is relatively easy to make this change, however. 1. in /etc/xdg/menus edit to have an entry which reads: Science Science and modify the Education entry to read: Education Education Science 2. in /usr/share/desktop-directories add a file called with contents as listed below. Icons are taken by default from the /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/categories directory and fortunately, there is an applications-science.png icon there. [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Directory Icon=applications-science Name=Science Name[ar]=العلوم Name[be]=Навука Name[bn]=বিজ্ঞান Name[bs]=Nauka Name[ca]=Ciència Name[cs]=Věda Name[da]=Videnskab Name[de]=Wissenschaft Name[dz]=ཚན་རིག Name[el]=Επιστημονικά Name[en_GB]=Science Name[eo]=Scienco Name[eu]=Zientzia Name[fi]=Tiede Name[fr]=Sciences Name[gl]=Ciencias Name[gu]=વિજ્ઞાન Name[he]=מדע Name[hi]=विज्ञान Name[hr]=Znanost Name[hu]=Tudomány Name[id]=IPTEK Name[it]=Scienza Name[ja]=科学 Name[km]=វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រ​ Name[ko]=과학 Name[ku]=Zanist Name[mk]=Наука Name[ml]=ശാസ്ത്രം Name[mr]=विज्ञान Name[nb]=Vitenskap Name[ne]=विज्ञान Name[nl]=Wetenschap Name[nn]=Vitskap Name[pt]=Ciência Name[ro]=Știință Name[sk]=Veda Name[sq]=Shkencë Name[th]=วิทยาศาสตร์ Name[tl]=Agham Name[tr]=Bilim Name[uk]=Наука Name[vi]=Khoa học Name[zh_TW]=科學 Comment=Scientific applications Comment[it]=Applicazioni scientifiche Comment[fr]=Applications scientifique Carlo Segre, July 3, 2009