acmetool for Debian =================== Please refer to the User's Guide for acmetool at The format of acmetool's state directory is described in /usr/share/doc/acmetool/ For a general overview of Let's Encrypt see Running as non-root ------------------- Unless you have specific requirements, you may run acmetool as a non-root user. To add a user/group "acme" for this purpose, run adduser --system --group --home /var/lib/acme --disabled-password --disabled-login acme You may then run acmetool with sudo -u acme acmetool For troubleshooting, you may enable verbose output using sudo -u acme acmetool --xlog.severity=debug Webroot mode ------------ acmetool is configured to write challenge files to the directory /var/run/acme/acme-challenge by default. Your web server on port 80 must be set up to alias /.well-known/acme-challenge to the directory. For the nginx webserver, for example, include the following stanza for each virtual host for which you wish to obtain a certificate. location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ { alias /var/run/acme/acme-challenge/; default_type application/jose+json; } When running acmetool as a non-root user, you need to create the directory /var/run/acme, which may be done at boot by configuring # /etc/tmpfiles.d/acme.conf d /var/run/acme 0755 acme acme - - Obtaining test certificates --------------------------- Let's Encrypt provides a staging server that may be used to obtain test certificates, which is useful for testing your setup repeatedly without hitting the various rate limits enforced by the production server. These certificates are signed by a fake CA and will not validate in a browser. You may use the quickstart wizard sudo -u acme acmetool quickstart to select "Let's Encrypt (Staging)". After confirming with "OK", you may quit the wizard with "Cancel" if you wish to use the default challenge settings, such as webroot mode with the default path described above. The wizard writes the default configuration to /var/lib/acme/conf/target. To request one certificate for a set of hostnames, run sudo -u acme acmetool want This creates a target file /var/lib/acme/desired/*. Whenever you rerun acmetool, regardless of any arguments, it will try to satisfy the desired certificate targets. If a certificate is less than 30 days from expiry (or 1/3 of the validity period, whichever is shorter), the certificate will be automatically renewed. Hook scripts ------------ After obtaining a certificate, acmetool runs any executable files in the directory /etc/acme/hooks. When running acmetool as a non-root user, you may configure sudo to permit that user to reload your web server: # /etc/sudoers.d/acme acme ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service nginx reload This hook reloads nginx whenever /var/lib/acme/live is updated: #!/bin/sh [ "$1" = "live-updated" ] || exit 42 # unsupported event sudo /usr/sbin/service nginx reload Response file ------------- When creating a new registration or updating an existing registration after a change of the Let’s Encrypt Subscriber Agreement, acmetool will ask you for approval. For unattended renewals this may be automated by creating a response file with your email address (optional) and one or multiple URLs pointing to the current and future subscriber agreements. # /var/lib/acme/conf/responses "acme-enter-email": "" "acme-agreement:": true "acme-agreement:": true