acmetool for Debian =================== Please refer to the User's Guide for acmetool at The format of acmetool's state directory is described in /usr/share/doc/acmetool/ For a general overview of Let's Encrypt see Running systemd service ----------------------- The acmetool Debian package ships a systemd service and timer to run acmetool twice daily and renew certificates that are close to expiry. The systemd service runs acmetool as user root (to permit restarting services via hooks after renewal) but with restricted privileges. As the first step, you may run systemctl start acmetool.service to populate /var/lib/acme/ with the initial directory schema. After configuring acmetool as outlined below, rerun the above command to request newly configured certificates and test your configuration. The systemd service logs output to /var/log/acmetool/acmetool.log. To customize the systemd service, you may run systemctl edit acmetool.service The following stanza enables verbose output for debugging: [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/acmetool --batch --xlog.severity=debug reconcile To revert your changes to the systemd service, you may run systemctl revert acmetool.service When satisfied with your setup, you may run systemctl enable acmetool.timer systemctl start acmetool.timer Obtaining certificates ---------------------- Let's Encrypt provides a staging server that may be used to obtain test certificates, which is useful for testing your setup repeatedly without hitting the various rate limits enforced by the production server. These certificates are signed by a fake CA and will not validate in a browser. To use the staging server, create /var/lib/acme/conf/target with request: provider: To switch to the production server, change /var/lib/acme/conf/target to request: provider: When requesting certificates for the first time, acmetool registers an account on the Let’s Encrypt server and asks for your approval of the Let’s Encrypt Subscriber Agreement and (optionally) your email address. To automate account creation, create /var/lib/acme/conf/responses with "acme-enter-email": "" "acme-agreement:": true You may specify the empty string ("") to register without email address. To obtain a certificate for a given set of hostnames, create a file with an arbitrary name, e.g., /var/lib/acme/desired/ with satisfy: names: - - Webroot mode ------------ To authorize your account for the requested hostnames, acmetool must complete one out of multiple challenges that validate your control of each hostname. If you are not running a web server on ports 80 and 443, acmetool by default listens on either port to answer to challenges. If you are already running a web server, you may use it to serve challenge files that acmetool by default writes to the directory /var/run/acme/acme-challenge/. Your web server on port 80 must be configured to alias /.well-known/acme-challenge/ to the directory. For the apache2 web server, this alias is enabled by default. For the nginx web server, you may include the following snippet for each virtual host for which you wish to obtain a certificate: include snippets/acmetool.conf; Hook scripts ------------ After obtaining a certificate, acmetool runs any executable files in the directory /etc/acme/hooks/, e.g., to reload the nginx web server: #!/bin/sh [ "$1" = "live-updated" ] || exit 42 # unsupported event systemctl reload nginx.service Key permissions --------------- By default, the directory /var/lib/acme/keys/ is accessible by the user root only. For a daemon running under a non-root user, you may run adduser mydaemon ssl-cert and create a file /var/lib/acme/conf/perm with keys 0640 0750 root ssl-cert to make private keys readable to members of the group ssl-cert.