Format: Upstream-Name: ansible Upstream-Contact: Michael DeHaan Source: Files: * Copyright: 2017, 2017, AMTEGA - Xunta de Galicia 2013, Aaron Bull Schaefer 2019, Aaron Longchamps 2018, Aaron Smith 2016, Abdoul Bah (@helldorado) 2017-2019, Abhijeet Kasurde 2015, Abhijit Menon-Sen 2019, Adam Goossens 2015, Adam Keech 2017-2018, Adam Miller 2013, Adam Miller 2015-2016, Adam Števko 2016, Adfinis SyGroup AG 2016-2018, Adrian Likins 2018, Adrien Fleury 2012, Afterburn 2014, Ahti Kitsik 2016, Alain Dejoux 2018, Alan Rominger 2019, Alan Rominger 2018, Albert Autin 2017, Alberto Murillo 2017, Alejandro Gomez 2015, Alejandro Guirao 2016, Aleksei Kostiuk 2013, Aleksey Ovcharenko 2017, Alen Komic 2015, Ales Nosek 2018, Alexander Bethke (@oolongbrothers) 2013, Alexander Bulimov 2013, Alexander Saltanov 2013, Alexander Winkler 2017, Alibaba Group Holding Limited. He Guimin 2015, Allen Sanabria 2017, Allyson Bowles <@akatch> 2014, Anders Ingemann 2016, Andew Clarke 2016, Andreas Olsson 2013, Andrew Dunham 2016, Andrew Gaffney 2018-2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) 2017, Andrew Saraceni 2016, Andrew Zenk 2013, André Paramés 2012-2019, Ansible Project 2018, Anthony Bond 2018, Antoine Barbare 2018, Antoine Catton 2018, Antoine Levy-Lambert (@antoinell) 2017-2018, Antony Alekseyev 2017, Apstra Inc 2017, Arie Bregman 2018, Arigato Machine Inc 2018, Armin Ranjbar Daemi 2016, Artem Feofanov 2017, Artem Zinenko 2002-2016, Aruba Networks, Inc 2013, Balazs Pocze 2015, Bede Carroll 2016, Ben Doherty 2017, Ben Tomasik 2015, Benjamin Copeland (@bhcopeland) 2014, Benjamin Curtis 2016-2017, Benjamin Jolivot 2013, Benno Joy 2016, Bill Wang 2015, Billy Kimble 2018-2019, Bojan Vitnik 2012, Boyd Adamson 2012, Brad Olson 2017, Branko Majic 2015-2017, Brian Coca 2017, Brian Coca 2014, Brian Coca 2014, Brian Coca 2015, Brian Coca 2014, Brian Coca, Josh Drake 2008, Brian Nez 1995-2018, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc 2013, Bruce Pennypacker 2018, Bruce Smith 2017, Bruno Calogero 2017, Bruno Calogero 2019, Bruno Inec (@sweenu) 2016-2017, Bruno Medina Bolanos Cacho 2006-2007, CDRKIT TEAM 2015, CallFire Inc 2019, Carson Anderson 2018, Catalyst Cloud Ltd 2016, Catalyst IT Limited 2018, Catalyst IT Ltd 2015, CenturyLink 2016, Charles Paul 2013, Chatham Financial 2014-2015, Chris Church 2014, Chris Church 2014, Chris Hoffman 2017, Chris Hoffman 2018, Chris Houseknecht <@chouseknecht> 2016, Chris Houseknecht 2015, Chris Long 2012-2014, Chris Meyers 2017, Chris Meyers 2014, Chris Schmidt 2013-2014, Christian Berendt 2018, Christian Kotte 2018, Christophe FERREIRA 2017, Cisco Systems Inc 1986-2018, Cisco Systems, Inc 2017-2019, Cisco and/or its affiliates 2017, Citrix Systems 2015, Corwin Brown 2015, Corwin Brown 2015, Corwin Brown 2013, Cove Schneider 2015, Cristian van Ee 2018, CrySyS Lab 2016-2018, Cumulus Networks 2012-2019, Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) 2014, Dan Keder 2012, Dane Summers 2012, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson 2013, Daniel Jaouen 2017-2018, Evert Mulder (base on by Daniel Korn 2015-2016, Daniel Lobato 2016, Daniel Lobato Garcia 2016, Daniel Miranda 2016-2017, Daniele Lazzari 2017-2018, Dario Zanzico 2015, Darren Worrall 2013, Darryl Stoflet 2012, David "DaviXX" CHANIAL 2018, David Gomez (@amb1s1) 2017-2018, David Gunter 2018, David Kainz 2017-2018, David Passante (@dpassante) 2017-2019, David Soper (@dsoper2) 2013, David Stygstra 2015, David Wittman 2017, Davis Phillips 2016, Deepak Kothandan 2017, Dell EMC 1999-2019, Dell Inc 2018, Dennis Conrad for Sainsbury's 2012, Derek Carter 2018, Derek Rushing 2018, Deric Crago 2018, Diane Wang 2016, Dimension Data 2014, Dimitrios Tydeas Mengidis 2016, Dino Occhialini 2016, Doalitic 2013, Drew Kerrigan 2013, Dylan Martin 1993, E.YOUNGDALE 2017, Edward Nunez 2017, Eike Frost 2012, Elliott Foster 2018, Emmanouil Kampitakis 2013-2015, Epic Games, Inc 2016, Eric Chou 2016, Eric D Helms 2017, Erwan Quelin (@equelin) 2013-2015, Evan Kaufman 2013, Evan Wies 2018, Evert Mulder 2013, Evgenii Terechkov 2019, Evgeniy Krysanov 2019, Extreme Networks 2018, Extreme Networks Inc 2016-2019, F5 Networks Inc 2016, Fabrizio Colonna 2016, Fastly, inc 2018, Fedor Vompe 2018, Fedor Vompe 2017, Felix Archambault 2018, Felix Fontein (@felixfontein) 2018, Felix Fontein 2017, Flavien Chantelot (@Dorn-) 2016, Flavio Percoco 2015, Florian Apolloner 2015-2016, Florian Haas, hastexo Professional Services GmbH 2012, Flowroute LLC 2018, Fortinet and/or its affiliates 2018-2019, Fortinet, Inc 2017-2018, Fran Fitzpatrick 2012, Franck Cuny 2017, Frederic Van Espen 2007, Free Software Foundation, Inc. 2014, Gabe Mulley 2017-2018, Gaudenz Steinlin 2017, Gaurav Rastogi 2014, GeekChimp - Franck Nijhof 2018, Genome Research Ltd 2015, George Frank 2017, Giovanni Sciortino (@giovannisciortino) 2013-2018, Google Inc 2018, Gregor Riepl 2016, Gregory Shulov 2015-2016, Guido Günther 2017, Guillaume Delpierre 2016, Guillaume Grossetie 2019, Guillaume Martinez 2018, Gustavo Muniz do Carmo 2018-2019, Hai Cao 2019, Hannes Ljungberg 2015, Hans-Joachim Kliemeck 2015-2017, Henrik Wallström 2018, Henryk Konsek Consulting 2019, Hetzner Cloud GmbH 2014-2018, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP 2015, Heyo 2013-2016, Hiroaki Nakamura 2018, Hiroyuki Matsuo 2019, Hitachi ID Systems, Inc 2018-2019, Huawei Inc 2016, Hugh Ma 2013, Héctor Acosta 2015-2018, IBM Corporation 2018, ITIGO AG 2016, Ievgen Khmelenko 2015, Igor Gnatenko 2015-2016, Indrajit Raychaudhuri 2018, Ingate Systems AB 2018, Itential 2018, Ivan Aragones Muniesa 2013, Ivan Vanderbyl 1997-2006, J.PEARSON/J.SCHILLING 2018, JR Kerkstra 2017, Jacob McGill (@jmcgill298) 2017, Jacob McGill (jmcgill298) 2014-2015, Jakub Jirutka 2016, Jakub Jursa 2013-2014, James Cammarata 2016, James Cammarata 2018, James E. King III (@jeking3) 2016, James Hogarth 2014, James Laska 2013, James Martin 2017, James Mighion <@jmighion> 2014-2017, James Tanner 2016, James Turner 2018, Jan Christian Grünhage 2012-2014, Jan-Piet Mens 2014, Jarno Keskikangas 2018, Jason Vanderhoof 2016-2017, Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse 2018, Jasper Mackenzie 2014, Jasper N. Brouwer 2012, Jayson Vantuyl 2017-2018, Jean-Philippe Evrard 2015, Jefferson Girão 2014, Jens Carl, Hothead Games Inc 2014, Jens Depuydt 2012-2013, Jeroen Hoekx 2013, Jesse Keating 2015, Jesse Keating 2016, Jiangge Zhang 2012, Jim Richardson 2013, Jimmy Tang 2015-2016, Jiri Tyr 2016, Joe Adams <@sysadmind> 2015, Joerg Thalheim 2013, Johan Wiren 2018, Johannes Brunswicker 2018, John Barker 2016, John Barker 2013, John Dewey 2018, John Imison 2017, John Kwiatkoski (@JayKayy) 2018, John McDonough (@movinalot) 2017, John Westcott IV 2015-2017, Jon Hawkesworth (@jhawkesworth) 2017, Jon Meran 2015, Jonathan Lestrelin 2015-2016, Jonathan Mainguy 2017-2018, Jordan Borean 2018-2019, Jordan Borean 2016, Jorge Rodriguez 2017, Joris Weijters 2018, Jose Angel Munoz 2018, Jose Angel Munoz 2015, Jose Armesto 2017, Joseph Benden 2015, Joseph Callen 2016, Josh Bradley 2015, Josh Ludwig 2014, Joshua Conner 2017-2018, Juan Manuel Parrilla 2017, Juergen Kirschbaum 2018, Juergen Wiebe 2016, Julian Barnett 2016-2017, Julien Stroheker 2014, Justin Lecher 2017-2018, Kairo Araujo 2016, Kamil Szczygiel 2017-2018, Karsten Kaj Jakobsen 2017, Kedar Kekan 2017-2018, Keller Fuchs (@KellerFuchs) 2017, Kenneth D. Evensen 2016-2017, Kenneth D. Evensen 2015, Kevin Brebanov 2018-2019, Kevin Breit (@kbreit) 2018-2019, Kevin Breit (@kbreit) 2014, Kevin Carter 2018-2019, Kevin Subileau (@ksubileau) 2014, Kim Nørgaard 2016-2017, Konstantin Shalygin 2016, Krzysztof Magosa 2018, KubeVirt Team <@kubevirt> 1996-2005, Kunihiro Ishiguro 2018, Kushal Das 2018, Lars Kellogg-Stedman 2015, Lawrence Leonard Gilbert 2016, Leandro Lisboa Penz 2016-2019, Lenovo 2014, Leonid Evdokimov 2015, Linus Unnebäck 2017, Liran Nisanov 2015, LogicMonitor 2016-2018, Loic BLOT (@nerzhul) 2015, Luca Berruti 2018, Luca Lorenzetto (@remix_tj) 2012, Luis Alberto Perez Lazaro 2018, Luke Murphy 2015, Maciej Delmanowski 2014, Magnus Hedemark 2015, Manuel Sousa 2017, Marat Bakeev 2017, Marc Sensenich 2017, Marc Tschapek 2017, Marc-Aurèle Brothier @marcaurele 2016, Marcin Skarbek 2012, Marco Vito Moscaritolo 2016, Marcos Diez 2018, Marcus Watkins 2016, Mario Santos 2015-2017, Marius Gedminas 2015, Marius Gedminas 2019, Marius Rieder 2015, Mark Hamilton 2012, Mark Theunissen 2017, Markus Teufelberger 2017, Martin Krizek 2015, Mathew Davies 2016, Mathieu Bultel 2016, Matt Baldwin 2016, Matt Clay 2013, Matt Coddington 2015-2018, Matt Davis 2015, Matt Davis 2015, Matt Davis 2013, Matt Hite 2015, Matt Makai 2014-2018, Matt Martz 2016, Matt Robinson 2012, Matt Wright 2016, Matthew Gamble 2014, Matthew Vernon 2018, Matthias Fuchs 2013, Matthias Vogelgesang 2019, Matti Ranta, (@techknowlogick) 2014, Max Riveiro 2013, Maykel Moya 2018, Micah Hunsberger (@mhunsber) 2016-2018, Michael De La Rue 2018, Michael De La Rue 2012-2016, Michael DeHaan 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan 2019, Michael Eaton 2017, Michael Eaton 2016, Michael Gruener 2014, Michael J. Schultz 2015, Michael Perzel 2013-2015, Michael Scherer 2015, Michael Scherer 2018, Michael Tipton 2014, Michael Warkentin 2013, Mike Grozak 2018, Mike Klebolt 2015, Mike Mochan 2018, Mikhail Gordeev 2018, Mikhail Yohman (@fragmentedpacket) 2017-2018, Milan Ilic 2014, Mischa Peters 2015, Nandaja Varma 2013, Nandor Sivok 2014, Nate Coraor 2015, Nate Coraor 2016-2019, NetApp, Inc 2017, Netservers Ltd 2017, New Contributor(s) 2018, Nicolai Buchwitz 2018, Nikhil Jain 2013, Nimbis Services 2013, Nimbis Services, Inc 2017, Noah Sparks 2019, Noe Gonzalez 2017, Nokia 2017, Obezimnaka Boms 2016, Olaf Kilian 2019, Olivier Blin 2016, Olivier Boukili 2018, Online SAS 2017-2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates 2018, Oren Ben Meir 2015, Original Contributor(s) 2016, Pason System Corporation 2013, Patrick Callahan 2017, Patrick Deelman 2015, Patrick F. Marques 2016, Patrick Ogenstad <@ogenstad> 2013, Patrick Pelletier 2013, Patrik Lundin 2013, Patrik Lundin 2019, Patryk Cichy @PatTheSilent 2019, Patryk D. Cichy 2017, Paul B 2017, Paul Baker <@paulquack> 2013-2015, Paul Durivage 2015, Paul Markham 2017, Paul Neumann 2014, Pavel Antonov 2018, Peter Gyorgy 2015, Peter Mounce 2014, Peter Oliver 2016, Peter Sagerson 2012-2016, Peter Sankauskas 2017, Peter Sprygada 2015-2016, Peter Sprygada 2013, Peter Sprygada 2017, Petr Lautrbach 2015, Phil Schwartz 2017, Philippe Dellaert 2013, Philippe Makowski 2013, Phillip Gentry 2016, Pierre Jodouin 2017, Pierre-Louis Bonicoli 2018, Piotr Olczak 2019, Piotr Wojciechowski 2018, Pluribus Networks 2016, PubNub Inc 2015, Quentin Stafford-Fraser 2015, Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Andy Baker 2015, Quentin Stafford-Fraser, with contributions gratefully acknowledged from: 2018, REY Remi 2013, RSD Services S.A 2016, Rackspace Australia 2015-2016, Rackspace US, Inc 2017, Radware LTD 2014, Ramon de la Fuente 2013, Raul Melo 2014, Ravi Bhure 2007-2019, Red Hat, Inc 2018, Remi Verchere 2018, Remy Leone 2016, Renato Orgito 2015-2019, René Moser 2018, Rhys Campbell 2014, Richard Isaacson 2017, Richard Levenberg 2018, Ripon Banik (@riponbanik) 2015-2016, Ritesh Khadgaray 2018, Rob White (@wimnat) 2019, Robert Williams 2016-2017, Roman Belyakovsky 2013, Romeo Theriault 2014, Ruggero Marchei 2015, Russell Teague 2014, Rutger Spiertz 2018, Ryan Conway (@rylon) 2016-2017, Ryan Scott Brown 2017-2018, Sam Doran 2015, Sam Liu 2016, Sam Yaple 2018, Samir Musali 2016, Samuel Boucher 2018, Samuel Carpentier 2018, Samy Coenen 2019, Sandeep Kasargod 2016, Saran Ahluwalia 2019, Saranya Sridharan 2013, Scott Anderson 2018, Scott Buchanan 2018, Sean Myers 2019, Sebastiaan Mannem (@sebasmannem) 2015, Sebastian Kornehl 2018, Sebastian Schenzel 2014, Sebastien Rohaut 2013-2014, Serge van Ginderachter 2016-2018, Sertac Ozercan 2014, Seth Edwards 2012, Seth Vidal (@skvidal) 2013, Shaun Zinck 2016, Shinichi TAMURA (@tmshn) 2018, Shuang Wang 2018, Simon Baerlocher 2017-2019, Simon Dodsley 2018-2019, Simon Metzger 2018, Simon Weald 2017, Sloane Hertel 2018, Stanislas Lange (angristan) 2015, Stefan Berggren 2018, Stefan Heitmueller 2016, Stephan Lohse 2018, Stephan Schwarz 2012, Stephen Fromm 2014, Steve 2016, Steve Baker 2015, Steve Gargan 2016, Steve Kuznetsov 2017, Steve Pletcher 2014, Steve Smith 2017, Steven Bambling 2017, Stéphane Travassac 2019, Sumit Jaiswal (@sjaiswal) 2018, Sumit Kumar 2018, Sviatoslav Sydorenko 2017, Swetha Chunduri (@schunduri) 2017, Sébastien DA ROCHA 2015, Tal Auslander 2014, Taneli Leppä 2016-2017, Ted Elhourani 2017, Ted Trask 2017, Tennis Smith, 2018, Terry Jones 2016, Thibaud Morel l'Horset 2016, Thierno IB. BARRY @barryib 2017, Thierry Sallé (@seuf) 2016, Thilo Uttendorfer 2017, Thom Wiggers 2017, Thomas Caravia 2016, Thomas Stringer 2014, Tim Bielawa 2015, Tim Hoiberg 2017, Tim Rightnour 2018, Tim Steinbach 2012-2013, Timothy Appnel 2014-2016, Timothy Vandenbrande 2016, Tom Melendez (@supertom) 2017, Tomas Karasek 2016, Tomas Karasek 2019, Tomi Raittinen 2018, Toshio Kuratomi 2017, Toshio Kuratomi 2014-2018, Toshio Kuratomi 2015, Trond Hindenes 2014-2015, Trond Hindenes 2012-2017, Ubiquiti Networks, Inc 2019, Uladzimir Klybik 2017, VEXXHOST, Inc 2015-2018, VMware, Inc 2018-2019, Varun Chopra (@chopraaa) 2014, Vedit Firat Arig 2018, Victor Carceler 2019, Viktor Utkin 2013, Vincent Van der Kussen 2017, Vitaliy Zhhuta 2015-2016, Vlad Glagolev 2016, VyOS maintainers 2015, WP Engine, Inc 2014, Wayne Rosario 2017, Wayne Witzel III 2017, Wei Gao 2015-2016, Werner Dijkerman 2018, Western Telematic Inc 2018, Western Telematic Inc 2017-2018, Will Thames 2018, Will Thames <@willthames> 2017, Will Thames 2014-2018, Will Thames 2016, William L Thomson Jr 2018-2019, NAER William Leemans (@bushvin) 2018, Wojciech Sciesinski 2017, XuXinkun 2014-2015, YAEGASHI Takeshi 2017, Yaacov Zamir 2018, Yaakov Kuperman 2016-2018, Yanis Guenane 2015, Yannig Perre 2013, Yap Sok Ann 2017, Yawei Wang 2013, Yeukhon Wong 2019, Yunge Zhu (@yungezz) 2018-2019, Yunge Zhu 2018-2019, Yunge Zhu, (@yungezz) 2017-2019, Yuwei Zhou 2019, Zim Kalinowski (@zikalino) 2017-2019, Zim Kalinowski 2018-2019, Zim Kalinowski, (@zikalino) 2013, berenddeboer 2013, bleader 2018, chris Archibald 1986-2003, cisco Systems, Inc 2017-2018, fxfitz 1999-2018, 2016, maxn 2017, sookido 2016, techbizdev 2018, Valletech AB License: GPL-3+ Files: docs/docsite/_extensions/* lib/ansible/module_utils/* licenses/* Copyright: 2016, Adfinis SyGroup AG 2017, Alibaba Group Holding Limited. He Guimin 2017, Ansible Project 2017, Apstra Inc 2014, Benjamin Jolivot 2017-2019, Cisco Systems Inc 2017, Citrix Systems 2017, Dag Wieers 2017, Daniel Korn 2016, Dell Inc 2017, Eike Frost 2018, Extreme Networks Inc 2017, Fortinet, Inc 2014, Franck Cuny 2017, Gaurav Rastogi 2016, Gregory Shulov 2016-2017, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP 2016, Hiroaki Nakamura 2017, Jacob McGill (@jmcgill298) 2018, Johannes Brunswicker 2018, Kevin Breit 2018, Laurent Nicolas 2017, Lenovo 2017, Lenovo, Inc 2018, Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto 2015, Marius Gedminas 2012-2013, Michael DeHaan 2017, Michael Price Norman Richards (original author of JSON lexer) 2018, Palo Alto Networks techbizdev 2015-2016, Peter Sprygada 2016-2019, Red Hat Inc 2017, Red Hat, Inc 2017, Simon Dodsley 2018, Simon Weald 2017, Sumit Kumar 2017, Swetha Chunduri (@schunduri) 2016, Ted Elhourani 2017, Ted Timmons 2016, Thomas Krahn (@Nosmoht) 2016, Toshio Kuratomi 2016, Toshio Kuratomi 2017, Will Thames 2006-2017, the Pygments team 2006-2017, the respective authors (see AUTHORS file) License: BSD-2-clause Files: lib/ansible/module_utils/ Copyright: 2012-2013, Michael DeHaan 2016, Toshio Kuratomi License: BSD-2-Clause Files: lib/ansible/utils/ Copyright: 2007, Google Inc Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement License: Python-2 Files: lib/ansible/module_utils/distro/* licenses/Apache-License.txt Copyright: 2015-2017, Nir Cohen 2019, Radware License: Apache-2 Files: lib/ansible/module_utils/six/* licenses/MIT-license.txt Copyright: 2010-2017, Benjamin Peterson License: Expat Files: lib/ansible/module_utils/ Copyright: 2015, Copyright (c), Toshio Kuratomi 2012-2013, Michael DeHaan License: BSD-2-Clause or Python-2 Comment: Specifically, the match_hostname function and its supporting code are under the terms of the Python, taken from the Python3 standard library and adapted for Python2. The specific code is delineated in the codebase. Files: debian/* Copyright: 2014-2018, Harlan Lieberman-Berg 2013-2014, Janos Guljas 2016-2021, Lee Garrett 2013-2014, Michael Vogt License: GPL-3+ License: Apache-2 On Debian systems, the full text of the Apache License version 2 can be found in the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'. License: BSD-2-Clause All rights reserved. . Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: . 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. . 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. . THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. License: Expat The MIT License . Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: . The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. License: GPL-3+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA . On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'. License: Python-2 PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION LICENSE VERSION 2 -------------------------------------------- . 1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation ("PSF"), and the Individual or Organization ("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using this software ("Python") in source or binary form and its associated documentation. . 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, PSF hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use Python alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that PSF's License Agreement and PSF's notice of copyright, i.e., "Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved" are retained in Python alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee. . 3. In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or incorporates Python or any part thereof, and wants to make the derivative work available to others as provided herein, then Licensee hereby agrees to include in any such work a brief summary of the changes made to Python. . 4. PSF is making Python available to Licensee on an "AS IS" basis. PSF MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. 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By copying, installing or otherwise using Python, Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.