Format: Upstream-Name: biojava6 Source: Files-Excluded-forester: */*.class Comment: Biojava uses the forester library, which is handled within a MUT package. . Same for jcolorbrewer Files: * Copyright: 2000-2021 the Individual authors who contributed the code, as identified by the @authors tag of the respective source file. BioJava Developers Scooter Willis , Mark Chapman, Andy Yates, Richard Holland, Mark Reinhold, brandstaetter, Thomas Down, Unidata Program Center, Ronald Tschalar, Andreas Prlic, Amr AL-Hossary, Jianjiong Gao, Spencer Bliven, Jules Jacobsen , J.H.MATTHEWS,R.KRISHNAN,M.J.COSTANZO,B.E.MARYANOFF, A.TULINSKY, ap3, The MathWorks Inc. and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Spencer Bliven , mulvaney, Peter Rose, Horvath Tamas, Peter Lackner, Koh Chuan Hock, Expasy4J, Benjamin Schuster-Böckle, Peter Troshin, Jose Manuel Duarte, D. Myers, Andrew Yates, Ulysse Carion, M. L Heuer, B. T. Boyle, emckee2006, paolopavan, J. Grzebyta, G. Waldon, D. Cameron, A. Drager, kevinwu1, Siarhei, R. Thornton, C. Foti, sroughley, ferlan, parit, M. Bizzari License: LGPL-2.1 Files: biojava-core/src/main/java/org/biojava/nbio/core/util/ Copyright: 1996-2001 Ronald Tschalar License: LGPL-2+ Files: biojava-protein-disorder/src/main/java/org/* Copyright: 2009-2010 Peter Troshin License: LGPL-2.1 Files: biojava-structure-gui/src/main/java/org/biojava/nbio/structure/align/gui/ Copyright: 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. License: BSD-3-clause+ Files: forester/* Copyright: 2000-2014 Christian M. Zmasek 2007-2014 Burnham Institute for Medical Research License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: forester/org/forester/application/ forester/org/forester/io/parsers/phyloxml/ forester/org/forester/io/parsers/tol/ forester/org/forester/phylogeny/ forester/org/forester/phylogeny/ forester/org/forester/phylogeny/ forester/org/forester/phylogeny/data/ forester/org/forester/phylogeny/data/ forester/org/forester/phylogeny/data/ forester/org/forester/phylogeny/data/ forester/org/forester/phylogeny/data/ forester/org/forester/rio/* forester/org/forester/sdi/* Copyright: 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research 2000-2001 Washington University School of Medicine License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/util/ Copyright: 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research 2003-2007 Ethalinda K.S. Cannon 2000-2001 Washington University School of Medicine License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/webservices/ forester/org/forester/evoinference/distance/* forester/org/forester/io/parsers/nhx/ forester/org/forester/sdi/ Copyright: 2008-2014 Christian M. Zmasek License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ forester/org/forester/archaeopteryx/ Copyright: 2008-2010 Christian M. Zmasek 2008-2010 Burnham Institute for Medical Research 2003-2010 Ethalinda K.S. Cannon License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: forester/org/forester/evoinference/distance/ forester/org/forester/sdi/ forester/org/forester/sdi/ Copyright: 2008-2012 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute 2008-2012 Christian M Zmasek License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: forester/org/forester/util/ forester/org/forester/util/ Copyright: 2010 alvin j. alexander, License: LGPL-3+ Files: debian/* Copyright: 2015 Olivier Sallou 2022 Pierre Gruet License: GPL-2+ License: LGPL-2+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2". License: LGPL-2.1 On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1". 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