=================== Calligra in Debian =================== Importing MS Project and Planner files -------------------------------------- Calligraplan 2.7 uses the Java library mpxj to import MS Project and Planner files. Currently mpxj is not available in Debian so it needs to be installed manually: 1. install apache-poi (needed by mpxj):: apt-get install libapache-poi-java 2. download mpxj from the official website (http://mpxj.sourceforge.net):: wget -O mpxj-latest.zip http://sourceforge.net/projects/mpxj/files/latest/download?source=files unzip mpxj-latest.zip 3. when running calligraplan, point it to the location of mpxj.jar:: PLAN_CLASSPATH=mpxj/mpxj.jar calligraplan .. vim:set filetype=rst: