Camping for Debian ------------------ Camping can use and thus recommends on Active Support. Since this is currently contained in the Rails package, it is a dependency of this package. However, since the Rails package doesn't put the Active libraries in Ruby's standard $LOAD_PATH locations, Camping will be unable to find it. I have patched the camping script itself to include the path to the $LOAD_PATH, but, if you are writing a Camping dispatch-script or any other scripts that directly taps into the Camping API, you have to add this to the top of your script (i.e. before: require "camping"): $LOAD_PATH.unshift "/usr/share/rails/activesupport/lib" Hopefully, the Active libraries will be split of the Rails package soon and this will no longer be necessary. -- Paul van Tilburg Sun, 16 May 2010 19:05:15 +0200