cdargs for Debian ----------------- If you use bash =============== simply copy the file examples/ somewhere into your $PATH and put a line like source in your ~/.bashrc. If you use tcsh =============== copy the file examples/cdargs-tcsh.csh to a place that you like and source it from your ~/.cshrc (or ~/.tcsh ?). Any help appreciated in making the tcsh expansion more powerful. cdargs in emacs/xemacs ====================== Add the line (load-library "cdargs") to your .emacs-File. WRAPPING ======== If you do not like the cursor wrapping around on the top and the bottom of the list, start cdargs with the additional option --nowrap: Example: function cb () { cdargs --nowrap "$1" && cd `cat $HOME/.cdargsresult` ; } This works for a bash-like shell, but I think this is rather easy to port... MORE HELP ========= For more information try: $ configure --help $ cdargs --help or press 'H' or '?' while running cdargs. Additionally, cdargs comes with a manpage.