There are some tweaks which were applied to the standard cfengine3 installation and you should be aware of them: *) cfengine3 is compiled with the FHS compliance option enabled. That means that, unlike the default, the binaries are located in /usr/bin; for backward compatibility we have the following symlink: /var/lib/cfengine3/bin -> /usr/bin *) to enable the daemons you need to modify /etc/default/cfengine3 and set the proper variables; the daemons won't be started unless there is an /var/lib/cfengine3/inputs/ file present. If you do not have your own policy (i.e.: you are not using cfengine as an agent which is fetching files from a policy hub), then you could experiment with the Masterfiles Policy Framework (the former Community Open Promise Body Library), whose files are located in: /usr/share/cfengine3/masterfiles/ Additionally, if your /var/lib/cfengine3/masterfiles directory was empty at the time of the installation, you got these files copied over already. *) By default we are not starting any daemon, in most of your installations you will only need the cfagent with a proper configuration file *) For more info you should have a look at the reference manual and the relevant docs: