cppreference-doc for Debian --------------------------- In order to read the QCH help package in Qt Assistant program, it must be registered in the program. This can be done in two ways: * Click Edit > Preferences > Documentation > Add in Qt Assistant and enter /usr/share/cppreference/doc/qch/cppreference-doc-en-cpp.qch * Run the following line in the terminal: assitant -register /usr/share/cppreference/doc/qch/cppreference-doc-en-cpp.qch Qt Assistant with enabled Webkit support is needed for proper rendering of the documentation. As of May 2013, Debian ships Qt Assistant with Webkit disabled. There are two possible solutions: * Rebuild Qt Assistant with Webkit support enabled. The patch against qt4-x11 4.8.4 can be found here . The patch might work for other QT versions without modifications. * Install Qt Assistant from a distribution that enables Webkit in Qt Assistant (e.g. Ubuntu). This is not recommended, might break at any time, etc. etc., but I have had good success in running a variety of Qt Assistant versions. The only requirement is that the version of Qt Assistant is not lower than the version of the Qt libraries on the system. Repacked source --------------- The source package is repacked to conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. The following changes have been made: cppreference.com-*.xml contains the original wiki-text from which the documentation can be regenerated if the XML file is imported into a MediaWiki wiki. reference/en.cppreference.com/mwiki/src contains the source of minified CSS and JS files in the reference/en.cppreference.com/mwiki. See reference/en.cppreference.com/mwiki/src/README for more information. -- Povilas Kanapickas , Sat, 08 Feb 2014 00:00:00 +0000