Firewall bouncer for CrowdSec ============================= Initial configuration --------------------- The upstream configuration is shipped directly under /etc and registered via conffiles, and an override file is deployed alongside upon first installation. The main file can be updated for new upstream releases by answering the usual dpkg prompt, while the override file is left untouched. - upstream: /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml - override: /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml.local More about overriding values: The override file is created automatically during the first installation, with two settings: - the detected firewall backend, which the admin might need to adjust if the firewall is switched to a different set of packages (see below); - an API key (optional). By default, this bouncer package pulls the `crowdsec` package (via Recommends) and the postinst registers the bouncer automatically. If the admin decided not to install the `crowdsec` package, they are responsible for registering the bouncer manually and setting up the required parameters in the override file (`api_url` and `api_key`). When the autoregistration happens, the bouncer identifier is stored alongside, so that the bouncer can unregister itself automatically upon purge: - identifier: /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/ Modifying configuration ----------------------- Admins might want to adjust the firewall backend that was detected during the first installation, and maybe override some parameters stored in the upstream configuration file. This can be done by editing the override file, and restarting the systemd unit afterwards: editor /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml.local systemctl restart crowdsec-firewall-bouncer Firewall backends: nftables or iptables+ipset --------------------------------------------- Let's look at the relationships between the following packages: - nftables - iptables - ipset In Bullseye, and in Bookworm as of December 2022, nftables is installed by default, since it's Priority: important. It can be installed together with iptables, which even recommends it (so that admins can prepare the switch from iptables to nftables). Additionally, iptables installs a set of alternatives, which can be configured either as iptables-nft (the default) or as iptables-legacy. Finally, ipset is another package that can be added to the mix. This CrowdSec bouncer can work with either nftables alone or with iptables and ipset together. That cannot really be expressed via package-level dependencies (and alternatives must be taken into account anyway), so the postinst script uses the following rules: - To match the trend towards nftables, the bouncer is configured to use nftables as the firewall backend by default. - If iptables is installed, and if its set of alternatives is configured as iptables-legacy, then the iptables backend is configured instead. A warning is displayed if ipset is not installed; in that case the postinst doesn't error out but the systemd unit is expected to fail to start. Installing ipset and restart the unit should be sufficient.