CrowdSec for Debian =================== # Local API and Central API There are multiple ways to configure `crowdsec`, leveraging a Local API (LAPI) and/or the Central API (CAPI). At the moment, the default configuration does the following: 1. Set up a Local API locally, that doesn't listen on the network. This can be adjusted by following the [upstream local API documentation]( 1. Register to the Central API by default, to take part in the collective effort. If that's not desired, it is possible to create a `/etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml` file before installing the package, that contains a comment (e.g. `# no thanks`). In this case, the registration is skipped, and this file is also left behind in case the package is purged, so as to respective the admin's wishes if later reinstalled. If one reconsiders, it's sufficient to empty this file and run the following command manually: cscli capi register # Hub management ## Offline hub The `crowdsec` Debian package ships a copy of the available collections (parsers, scenarios, and some other items) on the online [hub]( so that it can be configured out of the box, without having to download anything from the internet. For the purpose of this document, let's call this copy the “offline hub”. Starting with the 1.4.6 release, only 3 collections (linux, apache2, and nginx) are enabled automatically, as recommended by upstream. When upgrading from earlier versions that enabled everything automatically, *if* those 3 collections are still enabled, the postinst script makes sure their dependencies are enabled as well. Otherwise, collections are left untouched. Enabling collections is achieved by creating symlinks below the `/etc/crowdsec` directories, for collections, parsers, postoverflows, and scenarios. ## Online hub It is also possible to move away from the local, offline hub to the online hub, so as to benefit from new or updated items without having to wait for a package update. To do so, follow the upstream docs and run: cscli hub update Once that has happened, the offline hub will no longer be considered and only items from the online hub will be used. If going back to the offline hub is desired, that can be achieved by running this command: /var/lib/dpkg/info/crowdsec.postinst disable-online-hub It will undo the previous `enable-online-hub` action that happened automatically when calling `cscli hub update` the first time, but it might remove items that were available on the online hub, but that are not on the offline hub. One might want to double check the state of all configured collections afterward. Once that has happened, don't forget to restart the crowdsec unit: systemctl restart crowdsec.service ## Implementation details When configuring a collection, symlinks are created under `/etc/crowdsec`, pointing at items under `/var/lib/crowdsec/hub`. Initially, that directory points at items from the offline hub, shipped under `/usr/share/crowdsec/hub`. When switching to the online hub, the `/var/lib/crowdsec/hub` directory no longer points at the offline hub, and contains a copy of items downloaded from instead. If switching back to the offline hub, `/var/lib/crowdsec/hub` is cleaned up (downloaded items are removed), and it starts pointing at the offline hub again. # Configuration management The `crowdsec` package ships a few files under `/etc/crowdsec`, registered via `conffiles`: - `/etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml` - `/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml` - `/etc/crowdsec/patterns/*` - `/etc/crowdsec/profiles.yaml` - `/etc/crowdsec/simulation.yaml` Starting with version 1.4.2, it's possible to add or override settings by using a `.local` suffix for some of those files, as [documented upstream]( It's probably a good idea to use this mechanism so that further `crowsec` updates don't generate too many `dpkg` prompts about configuration files that have been modified locally. Starting with version 1.4.2 as well, the `postinst` script performs some detection regarding the database. If it's using the `sqlite` driver (the default) and if it doesn't look like that file is stored over NFS, then a `config.yaml.local` file is generated automatically, enabling the [WAL optimization]( Upstream's default is an unconfigured [`use_wal` setting]( which leads to warnings for everyone, so it was agreed with upstream to have the Debian package try and guess the right value instead of leaving that up to each and every `crowdsec` admin, and to store the result in the `config.yaml.local` override.