Initial DAViCal configuration on Debian ======================================= General installation and configuration information is available at Please visit that website for details and further reading. After installation, basic configuration with a local database consists of the following steps: 1. Allow DAViCal to connect to the database, by adding the following 2 lines at the top of your pg_hba.conf file (path depending on postgres version, for Debian Jessie try /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf): local davical davical_app trust local davical davical_dba trust 2. Create the database, noting the displayed DAViCal admin password: sudo -u postgres /usr/share/davical/dba/ 3. Create an Apache vhost config, or symlink /usr/share/davical/htdocs somewhere below an existing vhost's document root 4. Create /etc/davical/config.php containing at least the lines pg_connect[] = 'dbname=davical user=davical_app'; ?> 5. Point your browser to /setup.php (or wherever you symlinked the htdocs directory in step 3), log in as user admin with the password noted in step 2 above, and review the displayed issues, if any. After that you're all set to create and configure users, upload existing calendars or set up clients.