Daredevil SKK (DDSKK) for Debian -------------------------------- To set the default input method to DDSKK, put the following configuration in your init file such as ~/.emacs. (set-input-method "japanese-skk") (inactivate-input-method) By default, DDSKK tries to connect an skkserv compatible dictionary server such as dbskkd-cdb, skksearch or yaskkserv on localhost. (setq skk-server-host (or (getenv "SKKSERVER") "localhost")) To directly use a dictionary file without skkserv, set skk-cdb-large-jisyo or skk-large-jisyo. (setq skk-cdb-large-jisyo "/usr/share/skk/SKK-JISYO.cdb") ;;(setq skk-large-jisyo "/usr/share/skk/SKK-JISYO") To learn the usage of DDSKK, type `C-x t' (skk-tutorial, Japanese version) or `C-u C-x t' (skk-tutorial, choose Japanese or English). -- Tatsuya Kinoshita , Wed, 9 Feb 2011 23:38:13 +0900