------------------ DevHelp for Debian ------------------ Contents: * Packaged Books * New Book Format * Installing a new book * Packaged Books DevHelp is just a book browser. The GTK+ source documentation tool, gtk-doc is able to create devhelp books. Many libraries of the GNOME family use this feature, so you just have to install the package that contains the documentation of that library to have it available in DevHelp. Notice that some libraries provide the documentation in a separate -doc package (libglib2.0-doc, for one), and some provide it in the -dev package (libgconf2-dev, for example). Some other books used to be packaged for Debian, but are no longer available in newer Debian releases because most of them are licensed with the GNU FDL, which does not comply with the DFSG curerntly. * New Book Format Unfortunately devhelp's book format was a bit unstable for quite some time, so many of the books available (mainly from LIDN's website[0]) are not working anymore. If the book you are looking for is not available as a Debian package, nor from the Internet you can build your own book using the tools available on /usr/share/doc/devhelp/tools directory. * Installing a new, not packaged, book As long as the book follows the new book format you can simply unpack the book at the $XDG_DATA_HOME/gtk-doc/html directory, and it will be available in devhelp. Notice that if an explicit value has not been given to XDG_DATA_HOME, the default is $HOME/.local/share/. See the XDG Base Directory Specification for more information on the XDG_DATA_HOME environment variable. -- Gustavo Noronha Silva , Sat, 3 Mar 2007 12:57:31 -0300