Notes on the OpenDX Debian packages =================================== The complexity of OpenDX usually gives a rough start to the beginner. If you feel lost, make sure to install package 'dx-doc', and have a go through the tutorial therein. Package 'dxsamples' comes with a vast collection of example networks and configurations, and is worth a look even for the experienced user. By default, OpenDX comes with its own, built-in help system. It doesn't require additional software, but is unable to display images. If you have a graphical web browser installed, I strongly recommend setting environment variable DX_WEB_BROWSER to point to the browser. In bash, for example, you'd do something like export DX_WEB_BROWSER=/usr/bin/x-www-browser Have fun! -- Wed, 9 Jul 2003 09:12:27 +0200 Daniel Kobras