ecb for Debian -------------- ------------------------- Upgrades from 1.70: ECB has a new feature 'ecb-auto-compatibility-check' which enables a check for incompatible or renamed ECB-options at ECB startup. These options are then auto. upgraded to the new type or reset to the default-values of current ECB-version if no upgrade is possible. All upgraded or reset options are displayed to the user with their old and new values! ------------------------- To use ecb you must turn it on with M-x ecb-activate. It does not start by itself! Ok, now there is something for automatic activation, read the ecb help. For help do a M-x ecb-show-help after activation. For Javasupport it is best to have the jde Package installed. I only suggest this. If you don't have jde now do an apt-get install jde if you want to develop in Java. I add the file follow-mouse.el to the lisp-dir of ecb, a quite useful thing with ecb. This is the Description of it: ;;; Description: ;;; By default, a window within an Emacs frame must be selected by ;;; typing `C-x o' (other-window) or by clicking [mouse-1] on the mode ;;; line or the buffer itself (mouse-set-point); this corresponds to a ;;; "click to type" window manager policy. follow-mouse.el implements a ;;; "focus follows mouse" window manager policy, so that a window is ;;; selected when the mouse moves over it. ;;; ;;; To enable follow-mouse, put this in your ~/.emacs file: ;;; (turn-on-follow-mouse) ;;; ;;; follow-mouse can be enabled or disabled interactively with the ;;; `M-x turn-on-follow-mouse', `M-x turn-off-follow-mouse', and ;;; `M-x toggle-follow-mouse' commands. ;;; ;;; By default, follow-mouse will deselect an active minibuffer window; ;;; to prevent that, just unset the ;;; `follow-mouse-deselect-active-minibuffer' option. ;;; ;;; By default, follow-mouse also raises the frame whose window is ;;; selected; to disable that, just unset the ;;; `follow-mouse-auto-raise-frame' option. If you want to use it you must load it with (require 'follow-mouse), i don't do that for you in the ecb-startup Script! And then you probably like to turn-on-follow-mouse to the ecb-activate-hook and turn-off-follow-mouse to the ecb-deactivate-hook, look into ecb Customization. -- Joerg Jaspert , Wed, 22 May 2002 21:12:07 +0200