This is an introductory starter for the various goodies included in gnus-bonus-el. It does not intend to replace reading the documentation that is made available in the files themselves (or not available at all, except insofar as code is self-documenting). You may customize files in this package by using: M-x customize-group [RET] gnus-bonus-el [RET] Introduction to files in gnus-bonus-el -------------------------------------- gnus-eyecandy.el allows you to gratuitously add icons to your group buffer in a manner similar to the way that you currently specify group highlighting, ie a Form/File alist rather than a Form/Face alist. gnus-filterhist.el creates a buffer with a summary of the number of messages you've received per mailbox. This summary is cleared every time you check mail. gnus-junk.el provides a semi-automated way to deal with unsolicited commercial e-mail (also known as "spam"). It provides the M-x gnus-junk-complain command (use it in your *Summary* buffer). gnus-outlook-deuglify.el removes some of the ugliness introduced by Outlook (and maybe other agents too) users in the quoting that appears in their answers. To use: add (require 'gnus-outlook-deuglify) to your Gnus and you're enabled to press `W k' in the Summary Buffer. gnus-pers.el is an alternative to gnus-postins-styles. It implements personalities for Message mode. It allows you to define a personality with any e-mail address, extra headers and signature you like, either as strings, functions or variables (signatures may also be files). Then it will chose a personality for you based on header info, gnus-newsgroup-name or group parameter. Additionally, you can change a personality in the middle of writing a message. message-x.el provides customizable completion in message headers. Add (require 'message-x) to your .gnus. nnir.el provides the nnir backend, to search mail with various search engines. Add (require 'nnir) to your .gnus. nnnil.el provides an empty, read-only backend for Gnus. This backend is suitable for use as the primary server when real servers are to be secondary or foreign. Add (require 'nnnil) to your .gnus. nntodo.el provides a backend to manage todo items with Gnus. Each todo item is a message. Add (require 'nntodo) to your .gnus. spam-stat.el performs spam detection based on statistics. To use, add (require 'spam-stat) and (spam-stat-load) to your .gnus file, use the spam-stat-buffer-is-spam and spam-stat-buffer-is-non-spam functions (or spam-stat-buffer-change-to-spam and spam-stat-buffer-change-to-non-spam) in the appropriate buffers, and add the rule (: gnus-spam-stat-split) to `nnmail-split-fancy'. -- Peter S Galbraith , Mon Oct 24 21:07:13 2005