# $Id: README.Debian,v 1.2 2004-03-03 14:18:51 agmartin Exp $ ispanish for DEBIAN ---------------------- This package installs spanish.{aff,hash} and castellano.{aff,hash} as symbolic links to espa~nol.{aff,hash}. To use the spanish ispell dictionary you should invoke ispell as: ispell -T -d espa~nol or: ispell -T -d spanish or: ispell -T -d castellano where should be one of: if the acute chars in are coded as: ======== ========================================== latin1 á é í ó ú ñ ü Á É Í Ó Ú Ñ Ü TeX \'a \'e \'{\i} \'o \'u \~n \"u ... plainTeX \'{a} \'{e} \'{\\i} \'{o} \'{u} \~{n} \"{u} ... If no format is specified, latin1 will be used. Note that invoking the dictionary with either espa~nol, spanish or castellano will result in different personal dictionaries being used (~/.ispell_{espa~nol,spanish,castellano}) I get error messages about illegal characters in my personal dictionary! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that as of woody the default format has been changed from tex to latin1. If your personal dictionary still uses the obsolete tex format you might get error messages like Word 'acci'on' contains illegal characters with another word in your personal dictionary (in tex format) instead of acci'on. You need to recode your personal dictionary. Something like $ mv .ispell_castellano .ispell_castellano.obsolete $ ispell -dcastellano -Ttex .ispell_castellano.obsolete will allow you to insert from the menu the (updated) contents of the personal dictionary, but in the new format. If using sarge, instead of the second line you can also use: $ ispell-wrapper --emacs=castellano .ispell_castellano.obsolete You can also use the sed directives that are supplied with this package docs $ cat .ispell_castellano.obsolete | \ sed -f /usr/share/doc/ispanish/orig2latin1.sed > .ispell_castellano -- Agustin Martin Domingo , Wed Mar 3 15:13:01 2004 Local Variables: coding: latin1 ispell-local-dictionary: "american" End: