Version taken as 1:$(cat VERSION) The debianized sources are tracked in fossil, of course. Brief “cheat sheet” of relevant fossil commands. ## FOR NEW UPSTREAM RELEASE # fetch & merge new upstream release uscan EPOCH=1 VER=xxx DEBVER=1 fossil clean -x -v fossil pull ID=fossil-commit-id # find via: fossil timeline -t ci -n 400 | more # then search for the tag "version-xxx" fossil merge version-${VER} fossil commit -m "merge version-${VER}" debchange --distribution unstable --newversion=${EPOCH}:${VER}-${DEBVER} New upstream version fossil commit -m 'update debian/changelog' # build debian release dpkg-checkbuildeps fakeroot debian/rules binary lintian ../fossil*.d?? # traditional, source + binaries to upload dpkg-buildpackage -i.fslckout -i_FOSSIL_ lintian # but its better to use a chroot pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder --debbuildopts "-i.fslckout -i_FOSSIL_" sudo mv --no-clobber /var/cache/pbuilder/result/fossil* ../ # and to generate a source-only upload dpkg-buildpackage -i.fslckout -i_FOSSIL_ --build=source --no-check-builddeps # tag debian release fossil tag add debian_${EPOCH}:${VER}-${DEBVER} debian # push/pull to/from debian repository (modify URL if necessary) fossil sync ssh:// ## TO START DEVELOPMENT # create local repository by cloning mine # (Would have made a repo on but couldn't get it to # work for me on a repo of this size. But this was a while ago...) wget # make a working checkout sudo apt install fossil mkdir fossil cd fossil fossil open ../fossil.fsl fossil co debian fossil user password ${USER} ${PWD} fossil set manifest on # needed as of approx ver 2010.11.11.133638 ## MISC # pull/view upstream development fossil pull fossil timeline -t ci -n 40 # create upstream tarball (not needed if using upstream release tarball) fossil co trunk tar --exclude .fslckout --exclude _FOSSIL_ -C .. -zcf fossil_${VER}.orig.tar.gz fossil -- Barak A. Pearlmutter , Thu, 8 Apr 2021 11:02:49 +0100