# $Id: README.Debian 63 2007-01-03 09:51:36Z joostvb $ # $URL: svn+ssh://kebil-guest@svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-freedict/packages/freedict-tools/trunk/debian/README.Debian $ freedict-tools for Debian ------------------------- Not all stuff shipped with the freedict-tools tarball is installed by this package. We just install the stuff actually needed to build the dict-freedict-foo-bar binary packages. Unlike upstream, we do _not_ install all stuff under a common root (called "tools"): we'd like to follow FHS as much as possible. See the various freedict-foo-bar packages in svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-freedict/packages/ for examples of usage of this package, including the stuff we ship in debian-scripts/. (Documenting our interface is planned.) -- Joost van Baal Wed, 03 Jan 2007 10:42:20 +0100