FTS for Debian ============== Configuration hints: * Find the predefined configuration file with commented configuration keys. * Running as non-root user FTS runs as root user - per default. You're encouraged to change this behaviour by setting the DAEMON_USER variable in /etc/default/fts. If you do this, take care about these topics: - Make sure the user owns the configure TFTP directory - Make suer the user is able to read the static TFTP directory - Modify your fuse.conf to include the "user_allow_other" keyword Upgrading from 0.2: FTS 1.0 is a complete rewrite of the old Perl based service. Due to some major simplifications inside of the code, please use the generated /etc/fts/config file as a new base and complete the eventually needed credentials. Move away the old /etc/fts/fts.conf to get rid of the init.d warning.