This version of fwbuilder includes a template init.d script to start your firewall script that is generated and the default file. In order to use these you will need to install them on your firewall machine. These do not need to be installed on your build machine unless it also doubles as your firewall. The are included as part of the fwbuilder-common package and are located in /usr/share/doc/fwbuilder-common/examples/. The default file (examples/fwbuilder.default) should be installed as /etc/default/fwbuilder and the init.d script (examples/fwbuilder.init.d) as /etc/init.d/fwbuilder. Then copy your .fw script to /etc/fwbuilder as `hostname -s`.fw. You can use update-rc.d fwbuilder start 41 S . stop 89 0 6 . to install the init.d script to start on boot-up or modify to suit your systems boot-up sequence. This is a maintainer built script, and therefore not supported by the upstream authors of fwbuilder. Please report any problems to the package maintainer via the Debian BTS. The fwbuilder.init.d script patched by submission provided to me by Robert Lindgren to provide means of flushing rules as well as listing active rules.