gfbgraph (0.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Andreas Henriksson ] * Initial release (Closes: #745886) * Disable tests as they try to access your facebook session [ Laurent Bigonville ] * Add libgfbgraph-doc package to match what's existing in Ubuntu * debian/ - Use dh_autoreconf instead of autotools_dev - Fix GObject capitalisation in the descriptions - Add missing ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} - Add the Vcs-* fields * debian/gir1.2-gfbgraph-0.2.install: Do not install .typelib file in multi-arch path * debian/rules: Re-enable the tests but does not make their failure fatal -- Laurent Bigonville Sat, 26 Apr 2014 18:31:58 +0200