ghostscript for Debian ====================== Reconstruction -------------- This package is merged from the former gs-gpl, gs-esp, and gs-common packages, see debian/NEWS file. -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) , Sun, 13 Jan 2008 07:58:25 +0900 Removal of non-free files ------------------------- I removed the directory Resource/Cmap and its contents from the upstream source tarball since their licensing policy does not conform to the DFSG. Also, jaspter/doc/*.pdf have been removed since their corresponding sources are not available. -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) , Wed Apr 28 06:31:45 2004 Font handling with Defoma ------------------------- The font configuration for Ghostscript is now controlled by Defoma. If you want to update the font configuration, run: defoma-app update gs Then the Defoma-configuration script for gs is called. Following describes what the Defoma-configuration script for gs does. Ghostscript accepts "type1", "type3", "gsfontderivative", "truetype", "cid", "cmap" and "psprint" categories. gs registers all PostScript fonts available to gs in the postscript category with / added to the front of their names. Ghostscript creates files under /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs. This directory contains CMap and fonts subdirectories, and the CMap subdirectory is symlinked under /usr/share/ghostscript. If you want to have a certain PostScript font name which is not provided by registered fonts as RealName or Alias, you can have such a font name substituted. Run defoma-subst edit-rule ghostscript to edit the subst-rule. For example, if you want to have Charter-Bold available whose charset is ISO8859-1 and which has serifed, proportionally-spaced bold face, you should add the following line: Charter-Bold --Charset,* ISO8859-1 --GeneralFamily Roman --Weight Bold --Width Variable --Shape Upright Serif Then Charter-Bold will be substituted by the most similar font and become available. The way to have CJK font substituted changes compared to the old gs-aladdin (6.50-x). If you want to have Korean PostScript font, Dotum-Medium-KSC-EUC-H available whose actual font name is Dotum-Medium and KSC-EUC-H is a name of CMap, you should add the following line: Dotum-Medium --CIDRegistry,* Adobe --CIDOrdering,* Korea1 --Weight Medium --Shape Upright Then Dotum-Medium-* (* is a name of Korean CMap) are substituted and become available. Following is a list of hinttypes specific to gs. * GS-OriginFont, GS-OriginID: These hinttypes are used in gsfontderivative category. The content of a font within this category is a small PostScript program that generates a derivative font from a certain substantial type1 or type3 font. Generally a derivative font has bold or oblique shape, while the original font has normal upright shape. A font within this category must specify the original font and its RealName with GS-OriginFont and GS-OriginID hinttypes. 1. type1 and type3 Fonts within this category are handled in the same way. Symlink to the fontfile is created under /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts, and its font name, font file and alises are listed in Fontmap. 2. gsfontderivative Fonts within this category are handled in the similar way. Only one difference is that dependency on the origin of the font is registered when fonts are registered to Id cache. 3. truetype Fonts within this category are handled in the same way as type1 and type3 if the font doesn't include CJK glyphs. CJK truetype fonts goes different. It is treated as a cid font. 4. cid Symlink to the font file is created under /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts, and its font name, font file and aliases are listed in CIDFnmap. Using registered CMaps which belong to the same CIDRegistry and CIDOrdering, - are registered in postscript category. 5. cmap Symlink to the CMap file is created under /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/CMap. Using registered CID fonts which belong to the same CIDRegistry and CIDOrdering, - are registered in postscript category. 6. psprint Fonts installed in a PostSciprt printer should be previewable by ghostscript. They are registered to psprint category, so the script accepts this category and add the fonts and their hints to a subst-rule. -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) , Sat, 21 Oct 2006 05:21:11 +0900