Format: Upstream-Name: gmemusage Source: (not available any more) Files: * Copyright: 1997, 1998 Raju Mathur License: GPL-1+ Files: resource.c Copyright: © 1997, 1998 Raju Mathur © 1991 Patrick J. Naughton License: GPL-1+ Comment: Code in resource.c "shamelessly stolen" from xlockmore/resource.c. Further changes to that file were done by: * 01-May-97: Matthew Rench * 01-Apr-97: Tom Schmidt * 3-Apr-96: Jouk Jansen * 18-Mar-96: Ron Hitchens * 6-Mar-96: Jouk Jansen * 20-Dec-95: Ron Hitchens * 02-Aug-95: Roland Bock * 21-Feb-95: Heath A. Kehoe . * 21-Dec-94: Patrick D Sullivan . * 18-Dec-94: Bill Woodward . * 20-Sep-94: Lorenzo Patocchi . * 11-Jul-94: Greg Bowering Files: debian/* Copyright: 1998-2005 Adrian Bridgett 2008 Uwe Hermann License: PD The packaging done by Uwe Hermann is hereby released as public domain. License: GPL-1+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-1'. Comment: It's not explicitly mentioned which version of the GPL applies.