gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 24 Feb 2025 22:40:00 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * more fixups -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 08 Feb 2025 21:42:13 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release. GRC-Qt fixes and parity with the Gtk version UHD/RFNoC updates CI, modtool, and other devel/infrastructure updates * upload to experimenal for soversion bump -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 24 Jan 2025 10:29:40 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * pdf-documentation patch: set larger pool_size -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 16 Aug 2024 06:04:10 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Const (keyword) cleanup in a large number of files. QtGUI code uses const in many more places. * Runtime - Add `persistent()` function to gr paths module. This function returns either the value of the `XDG_CACHE_HOME` environment variable, or `appdata()/.local/state`. * GRC - Work continues on the Qt version of GRC (`gnuradio-companion --qt`). While the Gtk version is still the default, we're getting close to the point where the Qt version can be the default. - Generated Python code now includes a startup event (`flowgraph_started`) to the top level class. This was added specifically to avoid a race in the Variable Function Probe block, and may be useful elsewhere. - Struct variables have not been usable since around v3.8. Fixed! - Paths are now based on gr paths, where they were previous hardcoded to the user's home directory. - C++ hier block code paths fixed (so hier blocks work again). - Block connection line shape and width are now preferences. * gr-blocks - New Burst To Stream block transforms a bursty tagged stream into a continuous stream by inserting zeros in the output between input packets whenever no packets are available at the input. * gr-digital - FLL Band Edge power calculations fixed, along with thread safety issues. * gr-fec - Unused RS code removed - unlikely anyone will notice. * gr-filter- Numpy `float_` changed to `float64` for Numpy 2.0 compatibility. * gr-fft - Vector version of FFT `fft_v` library function (calls fftw) thread safety improved. * gr-uhd - Do not require PyQt5 for non-graphical configurations. * modtool - Many bug fixes and cleanups, resulting in more reliable operation. That sounds really good, right? - Remove dependency on the "click" package. - Appending new blocks to CMake files respects closing parens. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:36:37 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * upload to experimenal for soversion bump -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 10 Jul 2024 21:33:30 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. - Runtime * Modernize location of config files. XDG_CONFIG_HOME will be used if set (often $HOME/.config). This change attempts to be backward compatible with existing config file locations, but be aware that config files may show up in the old ($HOME/.gnuradio/) and new ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gnuradio) locations depending on GNU Radio version. Files are not automatically moved, since some users run multiple versions of GNU Radio. * Ctrlport Probe, Ctrlport Probe PSD and gr-ctrlport-monitor. Ctrlport Monitor blocks are still broken. - GRC * NEW Qt-based front end! Run gnuradio-companion --qt to try it out. This feature is still in testing, so the Gtk front end runs by default. In a future release, Qt will become the default, removing Gtk as a manditory dependency. Maintenance will focus on the Qt front end at that point. * Restore property field background colors (as a View option, off by default) for the Gtk front end. Background colors were previously replaced with textual type string. * The canvas can be panned using the middle mouse button * C++ code generation improvements related to parameters and strings * C++ code generation fixed for Add Const - gr-audio * Added 96 kHz and 192 kHz selections to ALSA source/sink - gr-blocks * Float To UChar block adds vector support, and also scale and bias params - gr-digital * Additive Scrambler adds soft symbol handling * Add callback to set header format in Digital Protocol Formatter - modtool * Improvements to handling of Python blocks (add, rm, and rename work reliably) * New parseable manifest format (yaml instead of md) to better support the OOT ecosystem * Manifest and examples are installed by "make install" * Update standards version to 4.7.0, no changes needed. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 22 Apr 2024 17:03:08 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 06 Apr 2024 20:12:37 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * Acknowledge NMU and adopt time_t64 changes. * Update dependencies (Closes: #1067058) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 18 Mar 2024 07:52:26 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * Rename libraries for 64-bit time_t transition. Closes: #1062476 -- Steve Langasek Wed, 28 Feb 2024 19:52:04 +0000 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release Fix a few memory errors in various modules. GRC - Fix regressions in bus connections. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:51:20 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * remove obsolete and redundant dependency python3-sip (Closes: #1060723) * Update to v3.10.9.1-13-gcaab75612 - better checks before overrunning buffer - better bus port handling in grc -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 15 Jan 2024 10:55:30 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release - Project - Python minimum version is now 3.7.2, vs 3.6.5, to support type hints. Even Python 3.7 is EOL, so this is not expected to affect people using newer versions of GNU Radio. - Add tox.ini, so that editors use the same formatting as github CI. - Use pointers to pass s32fc arguments to VOLK in gr-blocks, gr-digital, and gr-dtv to avoid undefined behavior. The fix is conditional on VOLK 3.1.0, which add a new supporting function. - Runtime - Disallow None for pmt_t arguments in Python. - Support spdlog installations with internal or external libfmt. - GRC - Use text labels to specify types for block parameters, instead of background colors which were difficult to read/remember. - Enable setting of documentation URLs, relative or absolute in yaml. This allows OOTs to use the documentation link in the block parameter dialog. - Disallow use of block ids that are Python keywords and "gnuradio". - Add type annotations in some places (required bump to Python 3.7.2). - Use C version of YAML loader (yaml.CSafeLoader) for better performance. - Connections may have properties for supported connection domains. This feature was added for RFNoC connections. Standard stream and message connections do not support this feature, but they may in future versions. - Check grc file version. The above feature required a version bump to "2". Where no connection properties are used, version "1" is still emitted. Note that previous versions of GRC do not check for file version. RFNoC flowgraphs with connection properties will fail to load in previous versions as a result. - Fix bug where an impressive number of backslashes were added to some filenames. - gr-dtv - Read expected data as little-endian - gr-fec - Add FEC_API to CCSDS Reed-Solomon functions so they can be used by OOTs. - gr-qtgui - QT GUI Msg Push Button: add a callback for Message Value to allow it to change at runtime. - gr-uhd - RFNoC Rx-Streamer: Add start stream options - Add back-edge property to RFNoC connections - Build system and packaging - Update conda build. Re-rendered with conda-build 3.27.0, conda-smithy 3.28.0, and conda-forge-pinning 2023. - Use utf-8 encoding when writing files in gr_python_install. - Testing There has been a great effort to identify why tests fail intermittently, or only on certain platforms. This has lead to a number of improved tests, and identification of a number of real bugs. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:21:00 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 31 Dec 2023 23:11:50 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 24 Dec 2023 12:09:35 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * time limit test * use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen rather than xvfb-run -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 20 Dec 2023 20:06:11 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * always enable tests * Revert F15 (Fosphor) Sink -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 20 Dec 2023 07:32:53 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate * Upload to erperimental for soversion bump -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 17 Dec 2023 12:20:25 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * fix typo in gnuradio-doc html url (Closes: #1054347) * remove __pycache__ files in clean target (Closes: #1044439) * use loong64 arch for thrift dependencies (Closes: #1057458) * improve builds without thrift (Closes: #1054331) * Use pointers to pass s32fc arguments to VOLK 3.1 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 17 Dec 2023 11:35:42 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release * improved gnuradio-doc -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 20 Oct 2023 19:16:37 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:48:16 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate * upload to experimental for ABI bump -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 07 Oct 2023 17:18:41 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * depend upon libsdl1.2-dev (Closes: #1041618) (pending port to SDL 2.) * merge in janitor fixes for copyright file format, upstream metadata -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:18:38 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * remove old volk dependencies (Closes: #1041456) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 19 Jul 2023 06:19:08 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release Runtime - Setting the minimum buffer size should have the desired effect now, and not be overwritten. NOTE: the value returned by min_buffer_size() is not intended to indicate the actual buffer size. Header Payload Demod was the only block attempting to use this value, and was corrected. - Use a set to store thread group (more efficient) - Message Debug can now output via the logging system - The field prefs.singleton is no longer externally exposed (was unintentional) - PMT dict can be generated more easily using pmt::dict_from_mapping() GRC - Save changes under all exit conditions (a couple were previously missed) - Prevent silent Generate/Run failures for unsaved flowgraphs Testing - Add Fedora 38, using the clang compiler - Remove EOL Fedora 36 gr-analog - C++ code generation for Quadrature Demod - Add max_gain parameter for AGC gr-blocks - Probe Rate adds a name parameter, for clearer logging - Selector has a new "sync" more that consumes the same number of items from all inputs. Default is now to consume as many items as possible from the active input, and no more than that many items from other inputs. The previous behavior was, well, broken. - Throttle reset item count on restart, to avoid long delays gr-digital - Constellation Encoder and Decoder: constellation can be changed at runtime gr-filter - Filter design tool: multiple improvements in bounds checking and exception handling - Filter design tool: update QMessageBox to work in Qt5 gr-network - Multiple memory management errors fixed in UDP Source/Sink and TCP Sink gr-soapy - Better AGC and gain behavior in RTL, AirspyHF and SDRPlay blocks - Support bias controls in RTL and SDRPlay blocks gr-uhd - Remove possibility of infinite recursion for network overruns - Support fmtlib v10 - RFNoC: bindings and block yml for Vector IIR, Replay and Log Power blocks - RFNoC: add S16 format to RX Streamer gr-vocoder - Support additional codec2 modes Modtool - Don't override user-defined CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX * start gr-video-sdl2 patch to port to SDL 2, depend upon libsdl1.2-compat-dev for now. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 15 Jul 2023 21:46:56 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate upload to experimental for soversion change -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 11 Jul 2023 18:56:32 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 07 May 2023 00:13:27 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update FreeDV blocks to provide 700E mode support -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 04 Feb 2023 14:23:16 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream bugfix release Runtime - Restore the ability to set a default block buffer size using the `buffer_size` parameter in the config file. This was lost during refactoring in v3.9. GRC - Add Python snipped hook point at "init before blocks", right before blocks are instantiated. gr-digital - Make tags visible to subclasses of OFDM Frame Equalizer. gr-dtv - Correct constant in DVBS2 Modulator. gr-fec - Fix errors in Channel Construction AWGN gr-iio - Fix IIO blocks, which were broken due to a build-time dependency problem. gr-network - Fix crash in UDP Source when buffer overruns. gr-uhd - Add async message port to USRP Source and publish overflow notifications. - Add bindings and example for RFNoC AddSub block. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 25 Jan 2023 07:36:04 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.10.5.0-11-gcfa0d519b for bugfixes * Fix bug using Pluto sources and sinks -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 22 Jan 2023 19:31:41 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update watch file * New upstream release * Runtime Python block have access to the block logger, as in C++ Default log level changed to INFO (from OFF) Memory-based logger gr.dictionary_logger_backend() added for log debugging API Note: The Python block gateway is now completely implemented in the PyBind11 wrapper in order to clean up Python dependencies. This is technically an API change, but should not have any external effect. PMT serialization of Complex32 vectors is now REAL | IMAG on all platforms Python IO signature replication (multiple ports specified by one signature) fixed * GRC Continue processing block connections after a connection error occurs Drawing/scaling fixes that improve user experience on HiDPI and Windows machines * gr-analog AGC3 performance and bug fixes Python has access to control_loop parent class in PLL blocks CTCSS detection of standard tones improved by fixing floating point comparison * gr-blocks Probe Signal cross platform reliability improved by better thread synchronization * gr-digital CRC32 and CRC16 blocks use little-endian order regardless of host order. This is a wire format change. The options were to have different endian machines unable to communicate, or older and newer versions unable to communicate. Note that there is a more general set of blocks (CRC Append and CRC Check) that are recommended for use wherever possible. Packet headers use consistent bit order across machines Floating point/rounding fix in constellation lookup table * gr-fec LDPC G matrix n and k can be access from Python LDPC matrix output size calculation corrected CCSDS/Viterbi path metrics overflow fix * gr-network Improve UDP Source/Sink efficiency by removing a layer of buffering and using the GR circular buffer instead of the Boost equivalent * gr-qtgui Fixed Python code generation for Msg CheckBox, Digital Number Control, Toggle Button, Toggle Switch * gr-soapy Sources will generate rx_time, rx_freq and rx_rate tags, as in UHD sources, where supported by the underlying Soapy driver * gr-uhd Re-enable uhd.find_devices(), in addition to uhd.find() RFNoC: generate correct Python code when using clock/time source RFNoC: allow specification of adapter IDs for streamers RFNoC: enable setting of vlen and types for streamers RFNoC: streamers pay attention to stream args RFNoC: sync block controller with gr-ettus OOT RFNoC:set_property() and get_property() added to the C++ and Python APIs RFNoC: Python binds added for rfnoc_block_generic * gr-zeromq Sinks will optionally block on full queue, providing backpressure. Previously, overflow data was dropped. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 20 Dec 2022 00:58:39 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate upload to experimental for new library version packages -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 13 Dec 2022 22:05:25 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium [ Helmut Grohne ] * Drop unused B-D: python3-sphinx. (Closes: #1023234) [ A. Maitland Bottoms ] * update to v3.10.4.0-87-g4c9e53e27 more fixes for more passing tests on other than amd64 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 19 Nov 2022 10:42:12 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.10.4.0-17-gcfcd070f9 * enable all tests again * re-enable building with thrift -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 25 Oct 2022 20:03:42 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * remove -DENABLE_CTRLPORT_THRIFT=ON, since it is not available on all architectures. Bopefully fix FTBFS on mips*, ppc64el, s390x -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 17 Sep 2022 22:55:27 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Replace `get_initial_sptr()` calls with `make_block_sptr()` calls. There were a number of places the incorrect function was being used. * Runtime - Use correctly typed arguments to log messages to prevent build errors. * GRC - Add xfce4-terminal and urxvt to the list of terminal emulators discovered during the build process. - Suppress GUI hint errors that were being shown in the terminal window. - Use integers for screenshot size (floats were causing Cairo errors). * Build system and packaging - Reformat cmake files and make cmake formatting part of the workflow. - Allow GNU Radio to be a part of other cmake-based projects. * gr-blocks - New Block Interleaver/Deinterleaver interleaves blocks of symbols - Correct calculation of `items_remaining` in File Source, which allows `seek()` to work correctly. - Add an example for Wavefile Sink * gr-digital - Deprecate the CRC32 and CRC16 blocks, which will be removed in the future. There are more general CRC blocks which do the same thing (and more). * gr-filter - Fix demo for PFB channelizer * gr-iio - FMCOMMS2 Sink assumes CS16 data is scaled to 32768, rather than 2048. - FMCOMMS2 returns the correct samples for the second channel in 2-channel mode. * gr-trellis - Correct Python bindings for `trellis::metrics`. * gr-qtgui - Range widget can now output messages when value changes. - Add C++ code generation for Time Sink - Regenerate Python bindings for some blocks when necessary. - Waterfall Sink correctly uses half spectrum for float input. * gr-uhd - Add Python bindings for the UHD `find()` functino. * gr-zeromq - Support newer `get()` and older/deprecated `getsockopt()` functions in cppzmq depending on availability. * Modtool - Parse IO signatures with or without `gr::` prefix. * Documentation - Update certain file lists to keep build paths out of documentation. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 16 Sep 2022 18:51:58 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release * Upload to emaperimental for ABI bump -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 13 Sep 2022 22:32:21 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * include vowstar Fix build failures with libfmt-9.0.0 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 21 Aug 2022 08:30:03 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium [ Stephan Lachnit ] * zmq.hpp now in cppzmq-dev (Closes: #1017732) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 20 Aug 2022 10:04:36 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.10.3.0-12-gf28df09b1 * [Shengjing Zhu] Add workaround for fmtlib 9 (Closes: #1014687) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 10 Aug 2022 23:29:54 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * [Adrian Bunk] Link with -latomic on architectures that might need it (Closes: #1014768) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 14 Jul 2022 21:15:38 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 10 Jul 2022 13:29:00 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * v3.10.3.0-rc1 to experimental for soversion bump -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 20 Jun 2022 20:01:43 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 10 Apr 2022 07:17:57 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * upload to unstable * explicitly uses 'posix_prefix' with sysconfig in GrPython.cmake -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 02 Apr 2022 17:41:57 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * v3.10.2.0-rc1 to experimental for soversion bump -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 31 Mar 2022 22:52:06 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * install usr/local python path (Closes: #1008794) * Have gnuradio-companion launch x-terminal-emulator by default -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 01 Apr 2022 18:57:34 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream bugfix release. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 14 Feb 2022 00:53:21 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * One statement fix: runtime downstream buffer size calculation -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 01 Feb 2022 18:06:18 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. Bugfixes in gr-iio, gr-uhd Minimal implementation of a SigMF Sink in gr-blocks -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 29 Jan 2022 10:13:12 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream bug-fixing pre-release To unstable for C++ ABI bump, new soversion library names -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 25 Jan 2022 18:08:56 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * gnuradio-dev: Add dependency on libspdlog-dev (instead of old liblog4cpp5-dev) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 18 Jan 2022 16:49:09 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * add gnuradio{,-dev}: Breaks+Replaces: gr-iio (Closes: #1001597) * use available libunwind-dev build-depends architectures (Closes: #1000792) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 16 Jan 2022 20:12:51 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * Handle optional thrift.conf.example in debian/rules -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 16 Jan 2022 18:40:10 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 15 Jan 2022 10:48:06 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * use realistic build-depends architectures with libunwind-dev -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 11 Dec 2021 13:50:49 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 11 Dec 2021 10:46:04 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate * Upload to experimental for new soversion library names -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 27 Nov 2021 21:27:03 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.9.4.0-17-g981d5834a -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 27 Nov 2021 12:02:04 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 31 Oct 2021 12:20:07 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * Add Breaks+Replaces for gr-soapy (Closes: #989888) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 19 Jun 2021 10:05:57 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 10 Jun 2021 19:51:53 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * bump CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 18 Jan 2021 10:48:04 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 17 Jan 2021 19:30:58 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 07 Jan 2021 16:22:20 -0500 gnuradio (3.9~rc0-1) experimental; urgency=medium * v3.8.0.0-845-g592dfc78a aka 3.9.0.RC0 from new maint-3.9 branch pybind11 branch merged onto master Headed toward a 3.9 release. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 23 Dec 2020 12:40:17 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream branch -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 30 May 2020 19:46:02 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * Release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 09 Apr 2020 17:30:29 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * Upload to unstable * build with volk 2.2.0 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 18 Feb 2020 21:53:02 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 16 Feb 2020 16:33:39 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.8.0.0-96-g510da612e8 but without volk 2.0 work-around since Debiuan has a fixed volk 2.1 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 13 Feb 2020 20:46:03 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.8.0.0-79-gf87f2dbab * build with volk 2.1 and uhd -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 06 Jan 2020 19:19:37 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.8.0.0-41-g2f5c81d555 * gnuradio-dev depends upon libgmp-dev, thanks vorlon! (Closes: #943965) * gnuradio depends upon gir1.2-gtk-3.0, thanks kc0bfv! (Closes: #943778, #943864) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 15 Nov 2019 00:05:28 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * grcc from gnuradio 3.8 no longer adds timestamps (Closes: #914252) * depend upon python3-pyqtgraph for gr_filter_design (Closes: #926790) * add depends for canberra modules (Closes: #921377) * Use .bcep file to keep gr_modtool template un-bytecompiled. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 30 Aug 2019 20:21:31 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * limit architectures for thrift availability -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 24 Aug 2019 12:25:47 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.8.0.0-14-gcfefe6e0ba * update package references: libvolk1-bin => libvolk2-bin (Closes: #935417) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 22 Aug 2019 20:28:52 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update dependencies * build for Python3 (Closes: #912960, #885294) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 12 Aug 2019 22:30:03 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 09 Aug 2019 19:18:15 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * more hurd-i386 build fixes. Thanks again, Samuel! (Closes: #918481) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 06 Jan 2019 20:12:41 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.13.4-5-g556c511fc3 * improve hurd-i386 build. Thanks Samuel! (Closes: #918481) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 06 Jan 2019 11:19:49 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=high * update to v3.7.13.4-2-gbd159f5ce3 * gnuradio-companion and grcc still requires python-gtk2 (Closes: #902371, #910001) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 08 Nov 2018 17:22:38 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release * Fix Boost 1.67 linking issue * gnuradio-runtime - Logging: fixed issues where messages weren't properly written to stdout/stderr due to incorrect strings * gr-analog fmdet_cf's derivative coefficients were wrong. * gr-blocks skiphead used to incorrectly handle tags, now properly shifts * gr-digital qa_packet_format: Unit test used to potentially lock up due to incorrect conditionals clock_recovery_cc, crc32_bb: Accessing the `[0]` element of an empty vector is UB, even if you don't use the result afterwards. * gr-fec polar_encoder/_common: Fixed multiple out-of-bound accesses due to insufficient vector length checks * gr-filter fft_filter, filter_delay: Accessing the `[0]` element of an empty vector is UB, even if you don't use the result afterwards. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 16 Jul 2018 21:09:14 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release - For non-C++11 compilers, the new cstdint include doesn't work out; conditionalized it. * remove qt5-maint-0018-qtgui-Expose-qt-time-sink-stem-plot-option.patch Fix missing QT Time Sink. (Closes: #898544) * Use Doxygen jquery since 3.7.11-7, side nav bar back (Closes: #887509) * depend upon python-gobject-2 for pygtk * Use direct-freedesktop-install patch since 3.7.11-9 (Closes: #847087) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 18 Jun 2018 21:21:33 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * build with uhd -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 08 Jun 2018 00:09:08 -0400 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release tag upload to experimental to start new library abi transition * Update freedv and codec2 blocks -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 05 Jun 2018 15:50:26 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.12.0-8-g4c82185a26 Fixed GRC bug which broke WX and Qt (by altering the template code) * rebuild with codec2 0.8 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 27 May 2018 10:01:19 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * improve direct-freedesktop-install to avoid piuparts trouble -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 11 Apr 2018 21:39:26 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release tag * Bump volk dependency version to 1.4 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 30 Mar 2018 17:07:09 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.11-11) unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.11-157-g486cd82702 * no longer shipping a menu file -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 28 Mar 2018 09:58:15 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.11-10) unstable; urgency=medium * import Qt5 QtWidgets in gr-qtgui (Closes: #891495) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 26 Feb 2018 21:40:13 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.11-9) unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.11-137-g4579e7b647 * update qt5 patches * direct-freedesktop-install -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 24 Feb 2018 21:36:39 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.11-8) unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.11-132-g72e085515b * 'git am'-able debian/patches -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 10 Feb 2018 19:06:32 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.11-7) unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.11-129-g7365f030cd * use PyQt5 QtCore.QByteArray (Thanks Vasil!) (Closes: #886807) * Standards-Version to 4.1.3 (no changes needed) * Change Vcs fields in debian/control to point to -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 04 Feb 2018 12:00:34 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.11-6) unstable; urgency=medium * grc and apps using qt5 * from next branch runtime: replace std::auto_ptr with std::unique_ptr -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 26 Nov 2017 19:42:29 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.11-5) unstable; urgency=medium * python-pyqt5 is available on kFreeBSD -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 23 Nov 2017 23:56:41 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.11-4) unstable; urgency=medium * use installable dependencies * python-pyqt5 is linux-any -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 22 Nov 2017 07:12:47 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.11-3) unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.11-118-g6d22211960 * Add Suggests: to gnuradio-dev to help guide OOT users Add Qt and Qwt details from build into gnuradio-qtgui.pc (Closes: #879110) * qt4-qt5 patch - build with with qt5 (Closes: #874893) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 21 Nov 2017 20:55:34 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.11-2) unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.11-113-gbbed667ecc * python-qwt5-qt4 only used in gr-filter and gr-zeromq GUIs -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 24 Sep 2017 14:49:08 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.11-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release * update to v3.7.11-100-gec71327d29 * improve desktop search metadata (Closes: #847087) * Fix a segfault issue for QT time sink (Closes: #860295) * michaelld - cmake: Fix for CppUnit and C11 (Closes: #862133) * gnuradio depends upon python-numpy (LP: #1471351) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 27 Aug 2017 10:10:44 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.10.1-24-gea2aeca * add freedvapi blocks -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 09 Oct 2016 22:16:42 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 27 Aug 2016 00:06:08 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.10-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 06 Jul 2016 18:38:12 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.9.2-56-g2a6c82f -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 19 Jun 2016 17:06:10 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * update to v3.7.9.2-33-g2e77960 * fix-dvbt-assertions -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 29 Apr 2016 19:54:52 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * Spell Viterbi correctly. Thanks Damien! (Closes: #818355) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 26 Apr 2016 15:39:35 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 11 Apr 2016 18:09:05 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * Update to v3.7.9.1-26-g0a1a76d (Closes: #812029) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 11 Mar 2016 16:35:08 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream point release, notes in the gnuradio package: in file /usr/share/doc/gnuradio/ -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 09 Feb 2016 00:43:23 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.9-4) unstable; urgency=medium * use comedilib again * update to v3.7.9-16-g4ce1d49 grc: fix Parser errors menu item analog: Addresses issue 831 analog: enable setting max dev. during runtime for NB gru: Fixes an obsolete numpy function call digital: Addresses issue 812 Updated URL to UHD manual in USRP sink and source blocks gr-utils: Update error message -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 19 Jan 2016 15:11:08 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.9-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Do *not* try test on any i386 arch due to scipy sgegv_ errors -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 08 Jan 2016 21:48:22 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.9-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Do not try test on any i386 arch due to scipy sgegv_ errors -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 08 Jan 2016 12:14:48 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.9-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release * Update to v3.7.9-5-gdec480a Fixed delayed tag propagation added unit test for tag forwarding to delay gr-fec Repair puncture and depuncture XML files blocks resolve char sign ambiguity causing build bre Fix 64-bit OpenEmbedded builds -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 04 Jan 2016 19:03:42 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.9~rc1-2) experimental; urgency=medium * Add copyright info for unused embedded copy of volk from upstream tarball * Not re-packing upstream tarball to make use of upstream source signature -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 14 Dec 2015 20:24:41 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.9~rc1-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release candidate -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 11 Dec 2015 15:51:37 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * Update to v3.7.8.1-2-g4bbe46e dtv-fix-coverity-issue-1327836 grc-fix-858-category-string-splitting * update build depends to libgsl-dev (>= 2.0) (Closes: #804495) * update build depends, libuhd-dev is available on hppa (Closes: #803129) * do not use comedilib until it does the libgsl transition -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 19 Nov 2015 00:23:23 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 01 Nov 2015 20:02:06 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.8-8) unstable; urgency=medium * Update to 3.7.9git-28-ga42b7dc * Use cmake-policies to surpress warnings -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 05 Oct 2015 19:12:34 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.8-7) unstable; urgency=medium * That would be python-gtk2 dependency -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 05 Oct 2015 01:00:28 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.8-6) unstable; urgency=medium * add python-gtk dependency (Closes: #800688) also added python-sip and promoted python-qt4 to a dependency -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 02 Oct 2015 20:41:21 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.8-5) unstable; urgency=medium * fix dh_makeshlibs usage bugs -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 30 Sep 2015 21:23:30 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.8-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Tighten libuhd003 versioned dependency via dh_makeshlibs * Add new codec2 700 modes to grc template * wrap-and-sort makes it easier to see unnecessary libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev dependency was removed in 3.7.8-3 (Closes: #793075) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 29 Sep 2015 23:02:00 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.8-3) unstable; urgency=low * Acknowlegde NMUs * Update to v3.7.8-22-g2fa3642 * update dependencies to uhd 3.9.0, volk 1.1, codec2 0.4 * Absolute path for temporary HOME to allow tests to run -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 07 Sep 2015 16:10:48 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.8-2.2) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * Updated dependencies for libvolk to latest package names: - libvolk1.0-bin -> libvolk1-bin -- Iain R. Learmonth Thu, 03 Sep 2015 11:33:49 +0100 gnuradio (3.7.8-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * Updated dependencies for libvolk to latest package names: - libvolk1.0-dev -> libvolk1-dev - libvolk1.0 -> libvolk1.1 * Updated dependencies for libuhd to latest package names: - libuhd003 -> libuhd003v5 (Closes: #797754) -- Iain R. Learmonth Wed, 02 Sep 2015 19:55:47 +0100 gnuradio (3.7.8-2) unstable; urgency=medium * build with log4cpp -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 13 Aug 2015 20:33:16 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release * Update to codec2 version 0.3 * Funcube Dongle udev rule is current syntax (Closes: #669601) * gnuradio-dev brings in more common -dev packages (Closes: #770520) * removed unused build-dependency on libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev (Closes: #793075) * removed unused build-dependency on liboil0.3-dev (Closes: #793625) * built without log4cpp pending GCC ABI transition #791191. * built without thrift until version > 0.9.2-2 enters unstable -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 05 Aug 2015 20:43:26 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.5-5) unstable; urgency=low * Use Breaks/Replaces to manage upgrades now that the newer libvolk-bin has files formerly found in gnuradio (Closes: #762072) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 09 Nov 2014 10:18:34 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.5-4) unstable; urgency=low * Use Breaks/Replaces to manage upgrades now that the newer libvolk-dev has files formerly found in gnuradio-dev (Closes: #762072, #767838) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 04 Nov 2014 22:21:46 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.5-3) unstable; urgency=low * Actual release notes in the gnuradio package /usr/share/doc/gnuradio/ChangeLogV3_7_5 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 05 Sep 2014 23:35:13 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.5-2) unstable; urgency=low * Handle lack of zeromq on hurd-i386 * trial fix for native armv7 build support -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 01 Sep 2014 20:24:11 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release, see extended release notes in the gnuradio package /usr/share/doc/gnuradio/ChangeLogV3_7_5 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 30 Aug 2014 13:08:50 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.4-4) unstable; urgency=low * Update to v3.7.4-50-gcbb0698 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:38:45 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.4-3) unstable; urgency=low * Update to v3.7.4-43-gb3927e7 * Include 10 more bug fixes from the maint branch -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 26 Aug 2014 21:16:36 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.4-2) unstable; urgency=low * wxPython fixes from Olly Betts (Closes: #758846) - Update dependencies on wxPython to all be python-wxgtk3.0|python-wxgtk2.8. - Drop unused build dependency on libwxgtk3.0-dev|libwxgtk2.8-dev. - New patch wxpy3.0-compat to improve wxPython 3.0 compatibility. * No zmq on hurd, build-depend upon python-zmq for build testing -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 22 Aug 2014 17:22:09 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * package based upon git maint branch v3.7.4-28-g3897c85 * New upstream release, see extended release notes in the gnuradio package /usr/share/doc/gnuradio/ChangeLogV3_7_4 * Build gr-wxgui with wxwidgets3.0 if available * New 0MQ support using libzmq3-dev -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 15 Aug 2014 00:14:35 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-10) unstable; urgency=low * restore comedilib * Avoid buggy gr-ctrlport * fix fcd udev rules for modern kernel udev (Closes: #757236) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 10 Aug 2014 23:26:46 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-9) unstable; urgency=low * Update to v3.7.3-37-gaffda0b * Additional codec2 updates * Avoid buggy comedilib -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 04 May 2014 14:07:49 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-8) unstable; urgency=low * No gr-fcd on hurd -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 15 Apr 2014 07:09:35 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-7) unstable; urgency=low * No comedi on hurd -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 14 Apr 2014 00:12:10 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-6) unstable; urgency=low * Avoid ALSA on hurd (patch bsd-hurd-alsa) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 13 Apr 2014 08:11:53 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-5) unstable; urgency=low * no thread affinity for hurd -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 12 Apr 2014 20:55:12 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-4) unstable; urgency=low * Update to v3.7.3-20-gb0dce1e * disable gr-fcd if libusb is not found on hurd (rather than fail) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 12 Apr 2014 17:08:58 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-3) unstable; urgency=low * Update to v3.7.3-18-gb1855f7 * Update debian/patches/bsd-fcd since special case handling for kFreeBSD libusb is no longer needed since freebsd-libs 10.0-4 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 10 Apr 2014 19:12:43 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-2) unstable; urgency=low * Update to v3.7.3-17-gc3ef245 * Update Codec2 library * Update Codec2 gnuradio blocks: Clayton Smith (argilo, VE3IRR) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 09 Apr 2014 00:28:09 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 09 Mar 2014 20:55:45 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream bugfix release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 08 Mar 2014 23:29:48 -0500 gnuradio ( wheezy-backports; urgency=low * Rebuild for wheezy-backports. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:14:55 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * use correct compiler for unstable build -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 05 Jan 2014 12:14:43 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * Clarify gnuradio.install (Closes: #734207) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 04 Jan 2014 16:22:02 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * Remove Feature 606 patch, caused more problems rather than solved. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 02 Jan 2014 00:16:41 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream bugfix release * New upstream release, see extended release notes in the gnuradio package /usr/share/doc/gnuradio/ChangeLogV3_7_2 and /usr/share/doc/gnuradio/ChangeLogV3_7_2_1 * Avoid functions not in FreeBSD libusb (Closes: #729270) * Implement Feature 606 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 26 Dec 2013 00:05:24 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream bugfix release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 06 Dec 2013 06:46:38 -0500 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream bugfix release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 10 Nov 2013 17:35:42 -0500 gnuradio (3.7.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * Match GNU Radio live distribution 2013-0926 * Use libsndfile if available -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 01 Oct 2013 18:36:54 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release Important new features GRC Bus Ports (Nicholas McCarthy) Bus ports in the GNU Radio Companion (GRC) allow ganging block input or output ports into a single port for display and connections. This simplifies flowgraph entry when dealing with blocks that work with an arbitrary number of streams. For further information, see: Minor features/updates (3.7.1): atsc: created and removed obsolete scripts (Andrew Davis) blocks: added interleaved_char_to_complex block (Tim O'Shea) blocks: Added QA code for all ControlPort probe types. (Tom Rondeau) blocks: adding a complex VCO block. (Tom Rondeau) blocks: adding a tags strobing block to help test tag stream. (Tom Rondeau) blocks: modified tag_debug block to publish number of tags queued (Tom Rondeau) build: Windows packages automatically include compiler runtime DLLs (Nicholas Corgan) build: installing all cmake files into lib/cmake/gnuradio directory (Tom Rondeau) channels: Added hardware impairments blocks from Matt Ettus' GRCon11 talk (Tom Rondeau) channels: added second channel model to dynamically change freq/timing offsets. (Tom Rondeau) channels: updated quantization demo for new histogram constructor (Tom Rondeau) channels: using new qtgui histogram sink in quantization demo. (Tom Rondeau) digital: added lo_offset and external clock utilisation to OFDM (Mike Jameson) digital: added lo_offset and external clock source to narrowband examples (Mike Jameson) digital: delay ofdm benchmark_tx exit to allow TX to empty (Mike Jameson) filter: added optional second input that dynamically adjusts resampling rate (Tom Rondeau) grc: Sorts the block tree column at start-up. (Julien Olivain) grc: Remove *out from sinks, *in from sources (Marcus Müller) grc: allow set_min_output_buffer on any blocks that have output ports (Tim O'Shea) grc: added special variable objects to represent constellations (Tom Rondeau) qtgui: Added histogram sink (Tom Rondeau) runtime: added tag_propagation_policy_t to block_gateway (Marcus Müller) runtime: Improved display handling for gr-ctrlport-monitor (Tim Newman) runtime: Added probes for byte, short, and int data types (Tom Rondeau) runtime: allow setting thread affinity to all blocks under a hier_block2 (Tom Rondeau) uhd: squashed per-channel stream support (Josh Blum) Bug Fixes (3.7.1, analog: agc3_cc: Fix uninitialized variable error. (Philip Balister) analog: agc3_cc: bug fix for input values of zero (Tim O'Shea) atsc: Fix bugs in atsc_field_sync_mux (Clayton Smith) blocks: expose set_period callback for blocks.message_strobe in GRC (Tim O'Shea) blocks: moved type conversions to use Volk dispatchers. (Tom Rondeau) blocks: set file_descriptor_source default to repeat=false (Tom Rondeau) build: don't install controlport config file in two places (Tom Rondeau) build: fix for finding and handling ICE 3.5 or 3.4 (Tom Rondeau) build: fix to allow reconfiguring install prefix (Johnathan Corgan) build: fixed some differences between handling Ice 3.4 and 3.5. (Tom Rondeau) build: fixes FindQwt cmake module to check that Qwt is >= 5.2.0. (Tom Rondeau) build: force detection to Python 2.x only (Julien Olivain) build: more robust FindICE operation with multiple ICE installs (Tom Rondeau) build: require Python v2 for build configuration (Jiri Pinkava) digital: fix digital.cpmmod_bc XML for new constants location (Johnathan Corgan) digital: fix for OFDM serializer QA after FFT block fix (Johnathan Corgan) digital: fix for moving average filter in OFDM equalizer. (Stefano Banti) digital: ofdm benchmark_rx fft conflict fix (Mike Jameson) docs: Fixes sphinx docs for user set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Tom Rondeau) docs: Minor corrections, fixes to ControlPort documentation. (Tom Rondeau) docs: Updated and improved the message passing docs page. (Tom Rondeau) docs: added doc page on Performance Counters. (Tom Rondeau) docs: added documentation of the stream tags interface. (Tom Rondeau) docs: added information about the new pfb_arb_resampler kernel. (Tom Rondeau) examples: fix examples using 3.7 API without importing namespaces (Nathan West) fec: fix uninitialized class member in decode_ccsds_27 (Johnathan Corgan) fft: Remove the default constructor for fft::goertzel. (Philip Balister) fft: fix XML import for logpwrfft block (Andrej Lajovic) fft: fix missing set_window call on initialization (Johnathan Corgan) grc: added utf8 encoding line to python templates (Marcus Müller) grc: applying hidapi update patch from Hans de Goede (Volker Schroer) grc: fix to allow grcc to execute in headless mode (Roy Thompson) grc: fixes grcc to exit with error in case of a compilation error. (Julien Olivain) modtool: fixes using templates in OOT projects created with modtool. (Tom Rondeau) modtool: more robust checks for gnuradio-runtime include dirs and libs. (Tom Rondeau) modtool: fix finding gnuradio-runtime (Jiri Pinkava) modtool: fix detection of GNU Radio module directory (Jiri Pinkava) qtgui: fix missing API declarations (Nicholas McCarthy) qtgui: fixes some bugs between qwt 5 and 6, some reorg. (Tom Rondeau) runtime: Fixed runtime SWIG linker error (Nicholas Corgan) runtime: fix asynch messages delivery when handler not defined (Tim O'Shea) runtime: fix hier_block2 disconnect_all() (Johnathan Corgan) runtime: fixed copy/paste error in (Alexandru Csete) runtime: vmcircbuf_sysv_shm workaround for shmem race condition (Tim O'Shea) uhd: fix GRC wrapper generation to match UHD change (fixes #562) (Timo Lindfors) uhd: fix USRP config info strings to account for B2x0 (Nicholas Corgan) volk: fix ARM test functions that resulted in an infinite loop (Tom Rondeau) volk: fix xgetbv tests for OSX/gcc (Michael Dickens) volk: fix QA test to use non-integer multiples of register sizes (Doug Geiger) volk: fix Volk profiler to use non integer multiples of register sizes (Doug Geiger) wxgui: Prevent crash displaying a tooltip before initialization (Miklos Maroti) * Handle lack of freedesktop icon directories better (Closes: #720389) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 29 Aug 2013 23:25:22 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.0-5) unstable; urgency=low * Following zeroc-ice to unstable -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 12 Aug 2013 22:32:03 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.0-4) experimental; urgency=low * Using zeroc-ice 3.5 in experimental * fixup volk versioned depends * Include upstream maint branch fixes - but not Applying-hidapi-patch-from-Hans-de-Goede - conflicts with Debian BSD kernel patches * Debian uses default library locations, so NO_DEFAULT_PATH isn't good. * version depends on libvolk (Closes: #705867, #718707) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 11 Aug 2013 18:11:24 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.0-3) experimental; urgency=low * Ship cmake files (Closes: #718310) * Include upstream maint branch fixes -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 30 Jul 2013 12:26:13 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.0-2) experimental; urgency=low * Update bsd-no-thread-affinity * Add comma between arguments of atsc/ (Closes: #714987) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 05 Jul 2013 08:05:12 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.0-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release * In experimental until zeroc-ice 3.5 is available in unstable. * Code Structure Changes (Johnathan Corgan, Tom Rondeau) The GNU Radio source code was restructured and flattened. All top-level components now use the same structure for consistency and ease of use. All blocks were moved out of gnuradio-core, which has been renamed to gnuradio-runtime. The blocks are now in their appropriate top-level components and reimplemented with the new 3.7 API style. The new API makes use of C++ namespaces and the virtual private implementation class pattern to better hide GNU Radio internals from user code. Details about this can be found here: A Google doc showing all items that were moved from one place to another in the new style is here: Blocks not listed were already in their own components. Many blocks were removed. All columns marked with ‘-----’ means that column is not applicable to that block or class. Any column (except those marked as Remove) that are blank means that we might be able to improve upon it, which normally indicates using VOLK or improving documentation. A Google doc showing the new component and Doxygen categories for all components is here: * Important new features: * ControlPort (Tom Rondeau, Tim O’Shea) ControlPort is a new interface for standardizing remote procedure calls in GNU Radio: Remote control and visualization. Use of ControlPort to enable debugging without requiring extra debug streams. Abstracted interface, but currently using ICE ( No additional CPU usage while no monitoring is occurring. Can connect multiple remotes to same GNU Radio application. Can also have single ControlPort app control multiple GR apps. Each block creates interfaces to control data members, by defining ‘get’ and ‘set’ interface to query and update values of block variables. Preference files control the state of ControlPort in section [ControlPort] of gnuradio-runtime.conf. ControlPort comes with a generic utility to allow you to see all interfaces of a flowgraph: gr-ctrlport-monitor -p Within a flowgraph, one can also use ControlPort probes to pass vectors of data to a ControlPort client, including complex IQ data. One useful probe calculates the power spectral density of a block output for remote display. See the ControlPort page in the GNU Radio manual for more information: * Performance Measurement Tools Performance Counters were first built into GNU Radio in 3.6.5, but could only be accessed locally. Now, all Performance Counters can be exported over ControlPort. Performance Counters must be compiled into GNU Radio using -DENABLE_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS=True. They can be toggled on/off at runtime using the [PerfCounters] section in gnuradio-runtime.conf. Use option ‘export’ to export Performance Counters over ControlPort. We now include a new tool to visualize the Performance Counters over ControlPort. This is installed as gr-perf-monitorx and requires the Python modules Scipy, NetworkX, and Matplotlib. Nodes of the flowgraph are represented as blue squares. The size of the square is proportional to the amount of time spent in the work function (either thread time or monotonic (wall clock) time). The size and depth of the shade of red of the edges is proportional to how full the block’s output buffer is. * QTGUI Enhancements (Tom Rondeau, Nick Foster, Ben Reynwar) The QTGUI widgets defined in gr-qtgui have had a major overhaul in 3.7. All plots are now split out into individual components, including: Time plots (amplitude versus time) FFT plots (or PSD) (log magnitude versus frequency) Waterfall plots (or spectrograms) (time versus frequency with magnitude as the color intensity) Constellation plots (imaginary (quadrature) versus real (inphase)) Time raster plots (time vs. time) Each plot can accept multiple connections that will overlay the signals on them. Zooming and unzooming are the same using the left and right mouse buttons. The center mouse button will pull up a context menu to allow manipulations of all kinds of properties of the display, such as line and marker styles, the size of the FFT, averaging, line transparency, etc. Significant work has gone into improving the performance, including the use of VOLK and more intelligent ways of handling the display to reduce the computational load. QT defined QT Style Sheets (QSS) that allow us to specify looks, colors, and other properties of a display. Support for the use of QSS has been added to gr-qtgui to make establishing your preferences easier. gr-qtgui/examples contains a number of examples showing how to use each type of plot and the QSS definition and interface. * Uninstalled imports (Ben Reynwar) The GNU Radio source tree was updated to allow us to directly import all GNU Radio components in-tree before install but using the same syntax. This change greatly reduces problems and complexity of writing Python code for use in both normal installations and QA code. This change will also allow us to automatically build the Sphinx Python manual during make. * Updated gr_filter_design (Sreeraj Rajendran) Overhauled the current gr_filter_design to add better visualization and interactive tools. Installed as part of the gr-filter component now, the gr_filter_design tool adds many new features for visualizing filters as well as support for IIR filter tap design. The new tool also includes a programmatic API that allows a user to launch the filter design tool inline in a program, design the new filter, and pass back an object containing the filter taps and parameters. Passing a callback function allows the designer to run in a separate thread and every time a new filter is designed, the callback function can be triggered to update a filter. Examples of using the programmatic access to gr_filter_design can be found in gr-filter/examples/gr_filtdes_*. * Other New Components and Features New blocks added gr::analog::fast_noise_source - pre-generates a table of random samples from the selected PDF and randomly samples from them. This has somewhat less entropy than the normal noise_source block but is significantly faster. gr::analog::agc3_*: Performs an initial linear gain ramp to quickly converge on a signal during startup and then falls back to an iterative loop similar to agc2. The agc, agc2, and agc3 blocks have been made to use a unified interface that now includes a default maximum gain value (set to 2^16 so that it can scale up even the LSB of a USRP’s device). * New gr-fec component This new top-level component mainly functions as a placeholder for new FEC block implementations. Currently contains only a couple of purpose-built FEC blocks. * New gr-channels component (Tim O'Shea) This new top-level component holds current and future channel model blocks. The standard AWGN channel_model has moved here. In addition, there are two new channel models: fading_model - Uses configurable max Doppler shift, Rician power factor, and lists of the delays (in samples) and magnitudes of a power delay profile. selective_fading model - Basic fading model that can have a number of sinusoids, max Doppler shift, and Rician power factor defined for it. * GnuradioConfig.cmake (Tom Rondeau, Tim O’Shea) New GnuradioConfig.cmake and GnuradioConfigVersion.cmake cmake files are installed into the system under $prefix/lib/cmake/gnuradio. These files can be used by any other project to easily test if any GNU Radio components are installed and the minimum API-compatible version required. Set GR_REQUIRED_MODULES to any of the top-level components in GNU Radio in all caps. Then use find_package(Gnuradio) to search for them. The second optional argument is the API compatible version is was built against. For example, to test if gnuradio-runtime, gnuradio-blocks, and gnuradio-filter are installed, we would use: set(GR_REQUIRED_MODULES RUNTIME BLOCKS FILTER) find_package(Gnuradio 3.7.0) * Additional Fixes (Ben Reynwar, Tom Rondeau, Josh Blum, Nicholas Corgan) Added symbol output stream from constellation_receiver so we can see the locked constellation as well as the output bits. Introduced a new pfb_arb_resampler kernel class that can be used by other blocks. We have used this to significantly simplify the pfb_arb_resampler_ccf/fff blocks. All PFB code has new QA and fixed a few minor bugs in the calculation of some of the filters. Added more QAM support with Gray coding. Reworked VOLK. All kernels are now in volk/kernels/volk, made all kernels consistent in use of num_points, and redid any kernels that used num_bytes. Removed assumptions that were Linux-only to continue to support native MSVC builds. * Obsoleted and/or removed functionality The following items have been removed or redone: gr-shd (removed) gruel (removed; all functionality now in gnuradio-runtime) gr-howto-write-a-block (functionality replaced by gr_modtool) For more removed components, see: * Deprecated functionality These are items that are currently part of GNU Radio, but are planned to be removed in the next API release (3.8). gr-noaa - will be reimplemented as a stand-alone, out-of-tree project and supported with PyBOMBS gr-pager - will be reimplemented as a stand-alone, out-of-tree project and supported with PyBOMBS -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 03 Jul 2013 17:00:23 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * Bug fixes audio: fix default alsa device from hw:0,0 to default, Bug #551 (Tim O'Shea) blocks: fix big-endian issue in wavefile blocks (Jaroslav Škarvada) blocks: fix erroneous linkage to gr-filter (#547) (Johnathan Corgan) blocks: fix for ~file_source crash, Bug #550 (Tim O'Shea) blocks: fix param test in keep_me_in_n GRC wrapper (Tim Monahan-Mitchell) blocks: fix use of assertGreater in QA for older Python (Johnathan Corgan) cmake: fix CRLF to LF in in some modules (fixes #549) (Johnathan Corgan) cmake: make install directory of GNU Radio cmakes files configurable (Jaroslav Škarvada) core: ensure message passing blocks marked done are handled (Johnathan Corgan) core: fir_filter_with_buffer using consistent error margins in all QA tests (Tom Rondeau) core: fix vmcircbuf file read/compare to use strncmp instead of strcmp (Tom Rondeau) core: makes sure if capping to max_noutput_items with output_multiple that the value is always an output_multiple. (Tom Rondeau) core: making block_registry thread-safe for multiple flowgraphs to access it (Tom Rondeau) core: fix 2 threading issues with the shared memory system. (Tom Rondeau) digital: a block should not hold a reference to itself (Josh Blum) digital: bugfixes to ofdm_chanest, HPD and frame EQ (Martin Braun) digital: hack to prevent the HPD from crashing flow graphs (Martin Braun) digital: remove stray import from QA test (Johnathan Corgan) grcc: set grc file path, which is required for hier blocks (Bastian Bloessl) wavelet: fix for -lgslcblas getting stripped out of link flags (Tim O'Shea) wavelet: do not use unsupported compile flags for OSX (Michael Dickens) wxgui: Fixes to solve issues using GL sinks on OS X (Balint Seeber) wxgui: fix exception in callback before label set (Marcus D. Leech) wxgui: fix flickering on Linux created by bea6d506 (Sylvain Munaut) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 01 Jul 2013 06:51:25 -0400 gnuradio (3.7.0~rc0-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release candidate * This is a snapshot of the repository master branch at tag v3.7.0rc0, and is intended for final testing by users. As this is not a formal release, it is not accompanied by release notes. The full list of changes between the 3.6 and 3.7 APIs will be made available at the time of 3.7.0 release. It does indicate, however, that the 3.7 API is now frozen and we will only be merging bug fixes into the source code until the final release. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:51:22 -0400 gnuradio (3.6.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * Important new features (3.6.5): New OFDM PHY layer (Martin Braun, Ben Reynwar) This release includes new OFDM PHY layer blocks in gr-digital. These have been rewritten from scratch to allow more configurability and to use some of the newer GNU Radio features (stream tags, async messages). Some work remains to tie these into a full over-the-air transceiver, so further development will be happening in the GNU Radio 3.7.x release series. * New runtime logging capability (Tom Rondeau) GNU Radio has a logging interface to enable various levels of logging information to be printed to the console or a file. The logger derives from log4cpp ( which is readily available in most Linux distributions. This is an optional dependency and GNU Radio will work without it. See: * Minor features/changes (3.6.5): build: git now ignores the build/ directory (Ben Hilburn) build: create and install a config.h for external projects (Tom Rondeau) build: install our cmake modules into share/gnuradio/cmake/Modules (Tom Rondeau) blocks: fixed udp_source to avoid permanent work blockage (Josh Blum) blocks: added proper EOF for msg tags test (Josh Blum) blocks: added gr::blocks::socket_pdu (Tim O'Shea) blocks: added gr::blocks::taptun_pdu (Tim O'Shea) blocks: added gr::blocks::pdu_to_tagged_stream (Tim O'Shea) blocks: added gr::blocks::tagged_stream_to_pdu (Tim O'Shea) blocks: added default arg value to mute_XX (Tim O'Shea) blocks: added probe_rate block (Tim O'Shea) blocks: fixed probe_signal_vx vector utilisation (Mike Jameson) blocks: fixed XML data type in gr::blocks::deinterleave (Miklos Maroti) docs: updated pfb introduction (Ben Reynwar) digital: added option to QAM to help with frequency locking (Ben Reynwar) digital: made qa_constellation_receiver more reliable (Ben Reynwar) digital: added QAM32-like constellation (Ben Reynwar) filter: added callback to adjust resampling rate of pfb_arb_resampler block (Tom Rondeau) filter: added fractional_resampler as a renamed fractional_interpolator (Tom Rondeau) grc: added sorting ability to GRC category tree (Gregory Warnes) grc: made 'float' an acceptable alias to 'real' in parameter types (Tom Rondeau) modtool: added tagged_stream block as an option (Martin Braun) modtool: fixed general python block template (Mike Jameson) uhd: added a usrp PC sync option (Josh Blum) uhd: added getters for bandwidth setting and range (Josh Blum) uhd: updated usrp_spectrum_sense with frequency readout (Mike Jameson) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 27 May 2013 15:28:27 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * Bug fixes: docs: fixed QT docs keywords (Ben Reynwar) blocks: fixed XML wrapper for gr::blocks::complex_to_real (Johnathan Corgan) blocks: fixed file meta data source to handle repeat of files (Tom Rondeau) blocks: fixed XML data type in gr::blocks::plateau_detector_fb (Johnathan Corgan) digital: fixed virtual destructor for constellation class (Tom Rondeau) digital: fixed SNR estimators (Tom Rondeau) filter: fixed pfb_arb_resampler XML for I/O types (Johnathan Corgan) filter: fixed exception when using interpolating filter with no taps (Tom Rondeau) filter: fixed pfb_arb_resampler to handle default taps (None) case (Tom Rondeau) grc: fixed (removed) "c" key shortcut for create heir action (Tim O'Shea) grc: fixed problem with order of message ports vs. data ports (Tom Rondeau) runtime: fixed thread safety issue with tags and perf counters (Tim O'Shea) runtime: fixed gr types for setting processor affinity (Tom Rondeau) runtime: fixed swig issue with affinity mask vector (Tom Rondeau) modtool: fixed gr-modtool template output signature (Johnathan Corgan) modtool: fixed case when module name ends in 0 (Martin Braun) modtool: fixed typo in help string (Tim Monahan-Mitchell) modtool: fixed wording in modtool for 'float' sink/source type (Tom Rondeau) modtool: fixed some setup for noblock gen (Tom Rondeau) modtool: fixed initial templates of a block (Tom Rondeau) pkg: fixed packages for Ubuntu 13.04 (Nicholas Corgan) qtgui: fixed init FFT Size box for QTGUI sink (Tom Rondeau) video-sdl: fixed typo in .pc file (Johnathan Corgan) volk: fixed CentOS build failure with extra lib64 in path (Johnathan Corgan) wxgui: fixed GL sinks issues on OS X (Balint Seeber) wxgui: fixed set_callback failure in nongl sinks (Marcus Leech) wxgui: fixed scaling issue of nongl FFT plot (issue #523) (Tom Rondeau) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 27 May 2013 00:28:52 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * Bug fixes: core: fixed filename path operator (Tim O'Shea) core: fixed async message queue max length (Tom Rondeau) docs: fixed missing gr-uhd to sphinx docs. (Ben Reynwar) docs: fixed a section name collision (Tom Rondeau) modtool: fixed Python general blocks syntax (Martin Braun) modtool: fixed general python block template (Mike Jameson) modtool: fixed extra comma bug in gr_modtool Python (Tom Rondeau) volk: fixed MSVC include directory (Nicholas Corgan) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 19 Mar 2013 17:12:54 -0400 gnuradio (3.6.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * Include arm build fix from Peter Michael Green (Closes: #682595) * Include debian/watch file by Bart Martens * postinst, do not specify --theme for xdg-icon-resource (Closes: #673597) * gnuradio-dev depends on same version of gnuradio (Closes: #678919) * fix debian/control format (Closes: #689357) * New upstream release Ability to set processor affinity for GNU Radio blocks Inclusion of gr_modtool by Martin Braun Use of GNU Radio preferences in native C++ applications Addition of GNU Radio block performance counters -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 26 Feb 2013 21:44:34 -0500 gnuradio ( experimental; urgency=low * New upstream bugfix release analog: fixed floating point accuracy issue in CTCSS squelch (Tom Rondeau) blocks: fixed use of bare boost::mutex::scoped_lock (Johnathan Corgan) blocks: fixed missing include in file_source_impl (Josh Blum) cmake: fixed chrono as a necessary Boost library under MSVC (Nicholas Corgan) cmake: allow user to override check for bad versions of boost (Tom Rondeau) cmake: disable certain buggy Boost versions to fix Issue #513. (Tom Rondeau) cmake: fixing generated includes, deps, and header installation. core: fixed gr_pdu_to_tagged_stream XML for type (Johnathan Corgan) core: fixed gr_message_debug for printing PDUs (Johnathan Corgan) core: fixed missing include in gr_socket_pdu (Josh Blum) core: fixed missing include for gruel thread (Josh Blum) core: fixed redundant test settings (Josh Blum) core: fixed gr_random_pdu MSVC incompatibility issue (Nicholas Corgan) core: fixed missing include to gr_block_registry.h (Tim O'Shea) digital: fixed bug in (Ben Reynwar)(thanks Charles Ru) digital: fixed pfb_clock_sync grc xml file for loop bandwidth (Ben Reynwar) filter: fixed synthesis filter output rate (Tom Rondeau) grc: fixed failing drag-n-drop in GRC on Windows (Balint Seeber) grc: fixed Bug #485 by gracefully exiting (Martin Braun) howto: fixed block parameters documentation (Julien Olivain) uhd: fixed gain defaults in usrp_wfm_rcv*.py examples (Mike Jameson) uhd: fixed default midpoint gain for example (Mike Jameson) uhd: fixed example receive path (Mike Jameson) uhd: fixed audio_alsa_sink busy using default in examples (Mike Jameson) volk: fixed bad find_package missing components (Josh Blum) volk: fixed cmake, the profiler is no longer strictly unix (Josh Blum) volk: fixed volk_profile MSVC incompatibility (Nicholas Corgan) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Tue, 26 Feb 2013 20:14:48 -0500 gnuradio (3.6.3-2) experimental; urgency=low * postinst, do not specify --theme gnome for xdg-icon-resource (673597) * gnuradio-dev depends on same version of gnuradio (678919) * Debian build uses generic arm, not v7 (682595) * fix debian/control format (689357) * build with portaudio19-dev and libjack-jackd2-dev (in addition to pulseaudio and alsa) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 10 Feb 2013 10:37:05 -0500 gnuradio (3.7git-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream next git branch ba015f * Build with ZeroC's Ice, the Internet Communications Engine * new components gr-channels, gr-ctrlport, gr-fec * new executables: gr_constellation_plot gr_psd_plot_[bcfis] gr_spectrogram_plot_[bcfis] gr_time_plot_[bcfis] -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 04 Feb 2013 12:15:28 -0500 gnuradio (3.6.3-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release Bug fixes: Overhaul of cmake include directory ordering (Michael Dickens) Fixed use of default noise seed in channel model (Alick Zhao) Fixed file_meta_source/sink incompatibilities with MSVC (Nicholas Corgan) Fixed some unused parameter warnings (Alexandru Csete) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 28 Jan 2013 00:10:46 -0500 gnuradio (3.6.3~rc0-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release * Addition/upgrade of message passing infrastructure (Tim O'Shea, Tom Rondeau, Johnathan Corgan, Josh Blum) This introduces the ability to add and connect formally defined asychronous message ports to signal processing blocks and hierarchical blocks. These message ports can be connected to pass asynchronous data in the form of PMTs (polymorphic types) among blocks in a flowgraph. It is also possible to implement pure message passing blocks that have no requirement for streaming ports or work functions. We've also introduced the concept of PDUs (Protocol Data Units) as a convention for passing data+metadata using the new messaging ports. A PDU is a PMT pair that combines a PMT dictionary of metadata keys/values along with a PMT blob to hold a vector of data in memory. A few new general purpose blocks supporting these capabilties are in gnuradio-core: gr_message_debug gr_message_strobe gr_tagged_stream_to_pdu gr_pdu_to_tagged_stream Two new blocks for interfacing with networking stacks using the new PDU semantics: gr_socket_pdu gr_tuntap_pdu This new message passing capability and PDU convention is aimed at providing the infrastructure to better support software radio implementations using packet-oriented semantics, such as MAC-layer processing. * Addition of new Python-based signal processing blocks (Josh Blum) This feature, originally introduced by Josh Blum as part of GrExtras, allows implementing signal processing blocks directly in Python, and has now become a standard feature of GNU Radio. * Addition of gr-analog top-level component (Tom Rondeau) This implements the current gnuradio-core signal processing blocks used for analog signal processing into their own top-level component, gr-analog, and uses the new 3.7 API organization. The original blocks in gnuradio-core will be removed on the 3.7 branch prior to 3.7 release. * Addition of gr-blocks top-level component (Johnathan Corgan) This implements a large portion of the gnuradio-core non-signal processing blocks in the 3.7 API form. The original blocks in gnuradio-core will be removed on the 3.7 branch prior to 3.7 release. * Metadata file source and sink blocks (Tom Rondeau) Two new blocks implement enhanced file source and sink blocks that incorporate metadata passed using the stream tags feature in GNU Radio. It is now possible to store things like frequency and sample rate into capture files, or whatever key/value pairs you tag onto data streams inside a flowgraph. * GNU Radio buffer latency control (Tim O'Shea, Tom Rondeau) For finer-grained control over latency inside a GNU Radio flowgraph, it is now possible to adjust, on a per-block basis, the maximum noutput_items that will be used to call a block work function. In addition, it is possible to set the maximum size an output buffer can grow to before a work function is called. * New GNU Radio Companion (GRC) capabilities Added optional flag to pad source and sink (Josh Blum) Added wildcard type to pad source and sink (Josh Blum) Added ability to reload XML for block (Tim O'Shea) Added ability to automatically create hier_blocks from a flowgraph (Tim Newman) Added ability to open custom GRC hier block definitions (Tim O'Shea) Added new grcc command line GRC-to-Python utility (Tom Rondeau) * New Documentation Updates (Tom Rondeau) We are introducing documentation into the Doxygen manual describing features and capabilities of GNU Radio, above and beyond just documenting the API functions. Tom Rondeau has written about this here: Some examples of commits where this has been done: (PMT type usage) (Message passing interface) (Metatdata format) (Max output buffer control) * Other new features: Allow file source to open new files while running (Brett L. Trotter) Allow source blocks to return none/yield (Josh Blum) Improved capabilities of uhd_fft.grc example in gr-uhd (Ben Hilburn) Added parameter in qtgui sink's GRC block to set the update rate (Julien Olivain) Added source block hook in gr-uhd for issue stream cmd (Josh Blum) Added cmake package support for Ubuntu 12.10 (Nicholas Corgan) Added gr::blocks::patterned_interleaver (Tim O'Shea) Allow user to set Python path during cmake configuration (Tom Rondeau) Enabled serialize/deserialize for PMT vectors (Tom Rondeau) Added unsigned long long int support to the PMT sugar functions (Tom Rondeau) Allow using pmt_init_Xvector methods in python (Tom Rondeau) Bug fixes: * Numerous cmake related bug-fixes (Josh Blum, Johnathan Corgan, Tom Rondeau) Fixed parallel build failures in cmake (Tom Rondeau) Fixed segfaults due to old, no longer nedded SWIG workaround (Tom Rondeau) Fixed memory leak issue in arbitrary resampler blocks (Tom ROndeau) Fixed use of default noise seed in channel model (Alick Zhao) Fixed scaling bug in QAM constellations (Ben Reynwar) Fixed installation of grc examples (Johnathan Corgan) Fixed finding Qwt6 installed on OSX using MacPorts (Ben Reynwar) Fixed implicit assumption in skiphead (Josh Blum) Fixed include tag include usage throughout core (Josh Blum) Fixed incorrect private usage in gr_endian_swap (Josh Blum) Fixed segfault in gr-filter due to memory free bug (Josh Blum) Fixed UHD pmt tuple ref namespace issue (Josh Blum) Fixed gr_tag_debug to handle lacking srcid (Martin Braun) Fixed gr-analog for 'sincos(f)' on MacOSX (Michael Dickens) Fixed gr-analog build issues on Windows (Nicholas Corgan) Fixed qtgui time sink to take the bandwidth parameter to set x-axis correctly (Tom Rondeau) Fixed float-in, complex-out fft block to use the right io sig (Tom Rondeau) Fixed Clang imcompatibility by removing '.version' lines in ASM code in core (Tom Rondeau) * Contributors this release: Alick Zhao Ben Hilburn Ben Reynwar Brett L. Trotter Johnathan Corgan Josh Blum Julien Olivain Martin Braun Michael Dickens Nicholas Corgan Tim O'Shea Tim Newman Tom Rondeau -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 26 Dec 2012 18:56:06 -0500 gnuradio (3.6.2-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release * Build system changes Added support for setting SYSCONFDIR * Top-level component changes A new top-level component, gr-filter, has been created. This component implements all the filter-related functionality that is in gnuradio-core, and uses the new style 3.7 API. The filter blocks in gnuradio-core are now deprecated; but will remain in gnuradio-core until the 3.7 release. Developers are encouraged to begin using the new blocks in preparation. * New signal processing blocks gr_and_const_bb: adds bb type to gr_and_const* block gr_annotator_raw: allows tagging stream with pmt key, value pair from outside GNU Radio gr_endian_swap: change item endianness through block gr_message_burst_source: turn received messages into a stream and tag them gr_tag_debug: debug display of all tags going through block` digital_gfsk_demod, digital_gfsk_mod: Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying modulator and demodulator * New feature additions Support has now been added for ARM processors that do not implement NEON. gr-uhd has added rx tagging for changes in sample rate and center frequency. Added support for serializing pmt tuples Added BER/SNR simulation example Removed gruel dependency on inet.h * Bug fixes core: fix minor bug in gri_wavefile endian swapping core: only check for *.conf in preferences directory digital: fixed incorrect variable name in qam_demod XML digital: fix FLL block to use fir_filter digital: remove unused parameter from DPSK demod GRC block digital: fix use of Gray code in digital mod/demod GRC files fcd: fix copy and paste error in documentation uhd: fix stopping flowgraph while streaming volk: don't initialize zero phase in rotator kernel volk: don't use ORC for volk_16u_byteswap_u kernel volk: add missing AVX support in volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f kernels volk: fix __m128 cast in volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a kernel volk: fix volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f_u_sse tail case volk: use loadu for unaligned volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f_u_sse* volk: fix for win64 MSVC not having MMX support volk: special werror unused cmd line arg for clang * Contributors Ben Reynwar Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn Hendrik van Wyk Jaroslav Skarvada Johnathan Corgan Josh Blum Martin Braun Nicholas Corgan Nick Foster Tim O'Shea Tom Rondeau Wayne Roberts -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 05 Sep 2012 23:56:07 -0400 gnuradio (3.6.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * With Sphinx Python documentation * new gr-fft component, more gr-digital component features * Supports click-to-tune operation via GRC FFT display -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 11 Jun 2012 13:34:12 -0400 gnuradio (3.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - gr-wavelet component enabled - Python and grc examples in /usr/share/gnuradio/examples - Python applications have .py extension removed (Closes: #671825) * Debian package installs c++ examples in /usr/bin * More robust postinst (Closes: #672102) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 9 May 2012 23:51:05 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 22 Apr 2012 11:19:14 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release Fixed segfault in PMT library Fixed QA for constellation to always reset the seed for deterministic tests Updated volk AVX tests to workaround buggy Xen hypervisors * gnuradio-dev ships .pc files. (Closes: #669117) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 18 Apr 2012 12:21:17 -0400 gnuradio (3.5.3-3) unstable; urgency=low * kfreebsd patches -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sat, 14 Apr 2012 00:27:43 -0400 gnuradio (3.5.3-2) unstable; urgency=low * build depend on libusb-1.0-0-dev [linux-any], libusb2-dev [kfreebsd-any] (Closes: #668471) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Thu, 12 Apr 2012 00:58:50 -0400 gnuradio (3.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * with Support for FunCube Dongle (gr-fcd) (Closes: #660570) * gnuradio now depends upon python-lxml python-wxgtk2.8 to make gnuradio-companion work well. (Closes: #664607, #664608) -- A. Maitland Bottoms Mon, 09 Apr 2012 01:08:06 -0400 gnuradio ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. -- A. Maitland Bottoms Fri, 16 Mar 2012 20:30:18 -0400 gnuradio (3.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * new upstream version, re-packaged from scratch with modern tools closes: #642716, #645332, #394849, #616832, #590048, #642580, #647018, #557050, #559640, #631863 * CMake build -- A. Maitland Bottoms Sun, 26 Feb 2012 21:26:16 -0500 gnuradio (3.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * comedi: fix to use comedi 0.8 API * support for the Ettus UHD interface * deprecating libusrp and libusrp2 -- A. Maitland Bottoms Wed, 28 Sep 2011 02:13:45 -0000 gnuradio (3.3.0.dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * new upstream version * add Vcs entries to the control file * use maintainer-clean target, always run bootstrap before configure * switch from using python-central to dh_python2 * switch to doxygen-latex as a build dep, closes: #616252 -- Bdale Garbee Fri, 04 Mar 2011 08:33:04 -0700 gnuradio (3.2.2.dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low * fix typos in short package descriptions, closes: #556572 * resolve gnuradio-companion conflict with grc by renaming our binary, closes: #557050 * accept patches that remove moc files and make libusrp packages depend on adduser, closes: #566564, #566565, #574209, #574231, #574209 * stop delivering custom, closes: #559640 * lose the conflicts on python-wxgtk2.6, closes: #582486 -- Bdale Garbee Tue, 08 Jun 2010 20:05:02 -0600 gnuradio (3.2.2.dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low * new upstream version, includes gcc4.3 support, closes: #474801, #524387 * upstream tarball modified to elide unnecessary Altera-licensed files * merge debian/ content restructuring from upstream svn * change build-dep from fftw3-dev to libfftw3-dev, closes: #458231 * fix problem with rebuilding, closes: #441739 * no longer need to move to contrib now that sdcc is fully back in main, we just need to build depend on sdcc 2.9.0 or later, closes: #457402 * rebuild reflects python-central file location change, closes: #490513 * change Jack build depend to libjack-dev, closes: #527413 -- Bdale Garbee Sun, 01 Nov 2009 15:13:54 -0700 gnuradio (3.0.4-2) unstable; urgency=high * rebuild with new version number and upload to finally (?) recover from over-zealous removal in response to bug 453154 * recommend udev instead of hotplug, closes: #448907 -- Bdale Garbee Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:11:49 -0700 gnuradio (3.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * new upstream version * fix build failure with gcc-4.3 by adding a #include, closes: #420896 -- Bdale Garbee Tue, 14 Aug 2007 22:38:32 -0600 gnuradio (3.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * new upstream version * tweak gnuradio-doc package to eliminate spurious subdirectory level * add a usrp-doc binary package, recommended by the usrp package, and include xmlto in build dependencies so usrp_guide.html gets generated, closes: #407368 -- Bdale Garbee Sun, 11 Mar 2007 23:55:32 -0600 gnuradio (3.0.2-2) unstable; urgency=high * add run-time dependency on python-wxgtk2.6. leaving urgency high since this would be a silly bug to release etch with if we can avoid it. -- Bdale Garbee Mon, 4 Dec 2006 15:35:53 -0700 gnuradio (3.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=high * new upstream version, fixes FTBFS issues -- Bdale Garbee Sun, 12 Nov 2006 14:52:33 -0800 gnuradio (3.0-3) unstable; urgency=high * put python-all-dev back in the build-depends list, closes: #398246 * move gr-wxgui conflicts/depends to python-gnuradio, closes: #396302 * fix up sections in control to match overrides -- Bdale Garbee Sun, 12 Nov 2006 10:59:58 -0800 gnuradio (3.0-2) unstable; urgency=high * reworked package dependencies so that the 'gnuradio' binary package no longer depends on the pieces in contrib. instead, the 'usrp' binary package in contrib now depends on all the USRP-related pieces. A user who doesn't have a USRP board can just install 'gnuradio' and get all the relevant pieces, a USRP user needs to install both 'gnuradio' and 'usrp'. Closes: #394533 * improve consistency of references to 'GNU Radio' as upstream project name * make the gnuradio package dependencies on python-gnuradio and python-usrp be version specific on suggestion from Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan -- Bdale Garbee Fri, 10 Nov 2006 00:39:38 -0800 gnuradio (3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * new maintainer, new upstream version * Restructuring source and binary packages to follow upstream changes, more or less repackaging from scratch taking ideas from the previous packaging by Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan and Steinar H. Gunderson. This single source package replaces all of: gnuradio-core gnuradio-examples gr-audio-alsa gr-audio-jack gr-audio-oss gr-usrp gr-wxgui usrp In addition, the 'gnuradio' binary package is a new meta-package that conveniently depends on everything gnuradio related to ease installation. -- Bdale Garbee Sun, 8 Oct 2006 13:28:21 -0600