Goby for Debian --------------- Goby is a WYSIWYG presentation tool for GNU Emacs. To display large fonts, install TrueType/OpenType font packages, such as fonts-liberation, fonts-dejavu, etc. To use images, install the netpbm package. To make HTML files with screen dumps, install the imagemagick package. To execute Goby, type `M-x goby RET' in Emacs. There are two modes, Edit and View, for Goby. Edit mode is implemented as a minor mode while View mode as a major mode. If a file whose suffix is ".gby" is read, its major mode and minor mode become Text and Goby, respectively. Keys for Edit mode: `C-c ; v': Enter View mode `TAB': Size and color are decided according to the number of TAB characters in the beginning of a line `C-c ; -': Insert a bar `C-c ; c': Centerize `C-c ; *': Insert an item sign `C-c ; I': Insert item signs for the region `C-c ; f': Shift font faces for the region `C-c ; p': Enlarge for the region `C-c ; n': Shrink for the region `C-c ; r': Shift colors for the region `C-c ; o': Specify a color for the region `C-c ; y': Justify font/size/color to its level for the region `C-c ; i': Insert an image file `C-c ; s': Change shrink ratio (e.g. 40, 400/1024) `C-c ; m': Convert the characters in the region to italic times `C-c ; ^': Shrink the characters in the region and raise them (power) `C-c ; _': Shrink the characters in the region `C-c ; C-p': Raise the characters in the region `C-c ; C-n': Lower the characters in the region `C-c ; x': Insert the multiply character `C-c ; /': Insert the division character `C-c ; #': Create a PhostScript file `C-c ; @': Create HTML files with screen dumps `C-c ; l': Insert ^L (form feed) `C-c ; C-l': Redisplay (fit page) `C-x C-f': Open a file `C-x C-s': Save the buffer `C-x C-w': Save the buffer as a file (please use the suffix ".gby") Keys for View mode: `q': Get back to Edit mode `n', `SPC', Down arrow or Left button: Go to the next page `p', `DEL', Up arrow or Right button : Go to the previous page `<': Go to the first page `>': Go to the last page Sample files are installed in /usr/share/doc/goby/examples/. For more information, see the official page of Goby: https://www.mew.org/~kazu/proj/goby/ -- Tatsuya Kinoshita , Sat, 07 Jan 2023 21:20:52 +0900