grace for Debian ---------------- This package does not support PDF output directly since the PDF library is not free software. There is an easy workaround - just use the epstopdf script from the texlive-font-utils package. If you have installed the PDF library, you can modify the file debian/rules in the source package (just remove --disable-pdfdrv) and recompile grace (debuild -b). Starting with version 5.1.22-7, the package automatically recognizes all installed type1 fonts, and update its list automatically whenever new fonts are installed. This should give you far more options than just the default 14 fonts. WARNING! If you plan to exchange your files with other people (especially non Debian users) restrict yourself to standard postscript fonts because grace is not able to embed non standard fonts in its postscript output. Please do not try to report any bugs like missing text in your postscript files! Font embedding is planned for grace version 5.2, but that release is on indefinite hold. But there seems be a workaround using ghostscript: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pswrite That will embed all needed fonts in In some cases the output file may even be smaller than the original one. Please test that and report problems and/or success. The maintaince of the Debian packages is coordinated via salsa: Torsten Werner Dec 17 2003 Ionut Georgescu Sep 11 2005 Nicholas Breen Jun 06 2010