ismrmrd (1.8.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Source-only upload. -- Andreas Tille Mon, 02 May 2022 13:51:48 +0200 ismrmrd (1.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * New upstream version * Bump SONAME again * Remove trailing whitespace in debian/copyright (routine-update) * Avoid explicitly specifying -Wl,--as-needed linker flag. -- Andreas Tille Sun, 10 Apr 2022 20:44:57 +0200 ismrmrd (1.7.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * New upstream version * Standards-Version: 4.6.0 (routine-update) * watch file standard 4 (routine-update) * Build-Depends: libboost-random-dev * Bump SONAME * debian/not-installed mentioning matlab files * review copyright -- Andreas Tille Mon, 21 Mar 2022 20:12:39 +0100 ismrmrd ( unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * debian/patches/167.patch: - cherry-pick upstream proposed fix for typo in variable name in cmake file making autopkgtest regress with new pugixml 1.11.3 -- Gianfranco Costamagna Tue, 22 Dec 2020 15:43:09 +0100 ismrmrd ( unstable; urgency=medium * Runtime-depend on libpugixml-dev to fix autopkgtest failure (Closes: #974570) * Fix arch-all build for real (Closes: #973939). -- Gianfranco Costamagna Thu, 12 Nov 2020 13:09:11 +0100 ismrmrd ( unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Really fix binary-all FTBFS Closes: #973939 -- Andreas Tille Thu, 12 Nov 2020 09:40:14 +0100 ismrmrd ( unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Add missing Breaks+Replaces: libismrmrd1.3 (>= 1.4) Closes: #973938, #974045 * Fix binary-all FTBFS Closes: #973939 -- Andreas Tille Wed, 11 Nov 2020 11:02:18 +0100 ismrmrd ( unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Source-only-upload * Rename tag -- Nilesh Patra Sat, 07 Nov 2020 22:49:12 +0530 ismrmrd ( unstable; urgency=medium [ Nilesh Patra ] * Team Upload. * New upstream version * Fix install dirs * Don't install useless files * Refresh patches * Remove travis build status * Standards-Version: 4.5.0 (routine-update) * debhelper-compat 13 (routine-update) * Remove trailing whitespace in debian/changelog (routine-update) * Remove trailing whitespace in debian/control (routine-update) * Add salsa-ci file (routine-update) * Rules-Requires-Root: no (routine-update) * Use secure URI in Homepage field. * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository, Repository-Browse. [ Andreas Tille ] * Add static library * Use d-shlibs -- Nilesh Patra Sun, 20 Sep 2020 02:35:46 +0530 ismrmrd (1.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * New upstream version * debhelper 12 * Standards-Version: 4.3.0 -- Andreas Tille Sat, 26 Jan 2019 08:23:41 +0100 ismrmrd (1.3.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Fix dir in autopkgtest Closes: #904110 -- Andreas Tille Fri, 20 Jul 2018 06:01:08 +0200 ismrmrd (1.3.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * debhelper 11 (adapt doc-base file to new location of docs) * Point Vcs fields to * Standards-Version: 4.1.5 -- Andreas Tille Wed, 18 Jul 2018 09:30:27 +0200 ismrmrd (1.3.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version 1.3.3 * Update patch queue. - Drop Explicit-64-bit-shifts-for-flags.patch, applied upstream. - Refresh Fix-HDF5-detection-with-CMake-3.6.patch. - Refresh Use-Debian-CMake-find-module-location.patch. - Drop hdf5-1.10.patch, applied upstream. * Fix usability of ISMRMRD CMake packaging. - New patch Fix-CMake-package-configuration.patch. - New patch Fix-CMake-package-detection.patch. - Drop Use-Debian-CMake-find-module-location.patch, no longer required. - Install CMake configuration to -dev package. * Upgrade packaging to debhelper 10. * Drop superfluous Testsuite field. * Simplify the packaging testsuite. * Enable multiarch installation of binaries. - New patch Add-support-for-multiarch.patch. - Update install paths of lib and dev packages. - Add Multi-Arch fields to all binary packages. * Keep doxygen generated instance of jQuery. * Miscellaneous changes to control file: - Replace build dependency on libhdf5-serial-dev with libhdf5-dev. - Add missing install dependency on libhdf5-dev for the -dev package. * Miscellaneous changes to rules file: - Disable verbosity by default. - Reformat content of dh_auto_build override. -- Ghislain Antony Vaillant Sat, 26 Nov 2016 11:45:27 +0000 ismrmrd (1.3.2-4.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload * New patch to support HDF5 1.10 (closes: #841959) -- Gilles Filippini Sun, 30 Oct 2016 17:54:19 +0100 ismrmrd (1.3.2-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix FTBFS due to buggy HDF5 detection with CMake 3.6. Thanks to Lucas Nussbaum for reporting. (Closes: #835679) * Update description of binary packages. * Add missing Section field for some binary packages. * Bump standards version to 3.9.8, no changes required. * Use HTTPS for Format field in copyright file. -- Ghislain Antony Vaillant Fri, 02 Sep 2016 11:27:37 +0100 ismrmrd (1.3.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium * d/rules: add missing maintainer CXXFLAGS. * Add packaging testsuite. * Add patch fixing compilation of examples with the installed find module. File: Use-Debian-CMake-find-module-location * Bump standards version to 3.9.7, no changes required. -- Ghislain Antony Vaillant Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:13:18 +0000 ismrmrd (1.3.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium * d/control: use secure VCS-Git URI. * Add patch fixing FTBFS in testsuite. File: Use-explicit-64-bit-shifts-in-testsuite.patch. Thanks to Emilio Pozuelo Monfort (Closes: #802172) * Provide examples in doc package. * d/control: cme fix, wrap and sort. * Fix usage of embedded jquery. -- Ghislain Antony Vaillant Wed, 03 Feb 2016 19:32:00 +0000 ismrmrd (1.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Refresh patch queue: - Drop fixing-check-after-free-in-unit-tests.patch, applied upstream. - Drop cmake-install-docs.patch, now using alternative via d/rules. - Rename make-build-reproducible.patch to Disable-HTML-timestamps.patch. - Add Explicit-64-bit-shifts-for-flags.patch from upstream, should solve issues with failing testsuite on some architectures. * Simplify packaging of documentation. * d/rules: add call to dh_doxygen. * Update copyright information: - Add upstream contact. - Replace MIT by Expat. - Wrap and sort. * Add gbp.conf file. -- Ghislain Antony Vaillant Mon, 26 Oct 2015 10:34:42 +0000 ismrmrd (1.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Bump soname of shared library package. * Enable test suite, requires build dependency on libboost-test-dev. * Use stricter hardening. * Make documentation targets architecture-independent: - d/control: move documentation dependencies to Build-Depends-Indep, - d/p/cmake-install-docs.patch: enable installation of documentation, - d/*-doc.install: use installation path set by the above patch, - d/rules: split older rules to -arch and -indep. * Remove jquery symlink in documentation package. * Add d/p/fixing-check-after-free-in-unit-tests.patch, fixes an upstream bug in the test suite. -- Ghislain Antony Vaillant Fri, 18 Sep 2015 09:44:41 +0100 ismrmrd (1.2.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Rebuild with g++ 5 Closes: #799107 -- Andreas Tille Wed, 16 Sep 2015 08:29:53 +0200 ismrmrd (1.2.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Make package build reproducible. -- Ghislain Antony Vaillant Thu, 02 Jul 2015 18:33:32 +0100 ismrmrd (1.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- Ghislain Antony Vaillant Thu, 18 Jun 2015 17:19:20 +0100 ismrmrd (1.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #732360) -- Ghislain Antony Vaillant Fri, 20 Feb 2015 16:28:54 +0000