Format: Upstream-Name: OpenGL 4 Reference Pages Upstream-Contact: The Khronos Group Inc. Source: Files: glActiveTexture.xml glBindTexture.xml glBlendColor.xml glBlendEquation.xml glBlendFuncSeparate.xml glBlendFunc.xml glClearColor.xml glClearDepth.xml glClearStencil.xml glClear.xml glColorMask.xml glCompressedTexImage1D.xml glCompressedTexImage2D.xml glCompressedTexImage3D.xml glCompressedTexSubImage1D.xml glCompressedTexSubImage2D.xml glCompressedTexSubImage3D.xml glCopyTexImage1D.xml glCopyTexImage2D.xml glCopyTexSubImage1D.xml glCopyTexSubImage2D.xml glCopyTexSubImage3D.xml glCullFace.xml glDeleteTextures.xml glDepthFunc.xml glDepthMask.xml glDepthRange.xml glDrawArrays.xml glDrawBuffer.xml glDrawElements.xml glDrawRangeElements.xml glEnable.xml glFinish.xml glFlush.xml glFrontFace.xml glGenTextures.xml glGetCompressedTexImage.xml glGetError.xml glGetString.xml glGetTexImage.xml glGetTexLevelParameter.xml glGetTexParameter.xml glGet.xml glHint.xml glIsEnabled.xml glIsTexture.xml glLineWidth.xml glLogicOp.xml glMultiDrawArrays.xml glMultiDrawElements.xml glPixelStore.xml glPointParameter.xml glPointSize.xml glPolygonMode.xml glPolygonOffset.xml glReadBuffer.xml glReadPixels.xml glSampleCoverage.xml glScissor.xml glStencilFunc.xml glStencilMask.xml glStencilOp.xml glTexImage1D.xml glTexImage2D.xml glTexImage3D.xml glTexParameter.xml glTexSubImage1D.xml glTexSubImage2D.xml glTexSubImage3D.xml glViewport.xml Copyright: (c) 1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. License: SGI Free Software B License (v2.0) SGI FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE B (Version 2.0, Sept. 18, 2008) Copyright (C) [dates of first publication] Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice including the dates of first publication and either this permission notice or a reference to shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. . Except as contained in this notice, the name of Silicon Graphics, Inc. shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Silicon Graphics, Inc. Files: glActiveShaderProgram.xml glAttachShader.xml glBeginConditionalRender.xml glBeginQueryIndexed.xml glBeginQuery.xml glBeginTransformFeedback.xml glBindAttribLocation.xml glBindBufferBase.xml glBindBufferRange.xml glBindBuffer.xml glBindFragDataLocationIndexed.xml glBindFragDataLocation.xml glBindFramebuffer.xml glBindImageTexture.xml glBindProgramPipeline.xml glBindRenderbuffer.xml glBindSampler.xml glBindTransformFeedback.xml glBindVertexArray.xml glBlendEquationSeparate.xml glBlitFramebuffer.xml glBufferData.xml glBufferSubData.xml glCheckFramebufferStatus.xml glClampColor.xml glClearBuffer.xml glClientWaitSync.xml glCompileShader.xml glCopyBufferSubData.xml glCreateProgram.xml glCreateShaderProgram.xml glCreateShader.xml glDeleteBuffers.xml glDeleteFramebuffers.xml glDeleteProgramPipelines.xml glDeleteProgram.xml glDeleteQueries.xml glDeleteRenderbuffers.xml glDeleteSamplers.xml glDeleteShader.xml glDeleteSync.xml glDeleteTransformFeedbacks.xml glDeleteVertexArrays.xml glDepthRangeArray.xml glDepthRangeIndexed.xml glDetachShader.xml glDrawArraysIndirect.xml glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance.xml glDrawArraysInstanced.xml glDrawBuffers.xml glDrawElementsBaseVertex.xml glDrawElementsIndirect.xml glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance.xml glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance.xml glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex.xml glDrawElementsInstanced.xml glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex.xml glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced.xml glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced.xml glDrawTransformFeedbackStream.xml glDrawTransformFeedback.xml glEnableVertexAttribArray.xml glFenceSync.xml glFlushMappedBufferRange.xml glFramebufferRenderbuffer.xml glFramebufferTextureLayer.xml glFramebufferTexture.xml glGenBuffers.xml glGenerateMipmap.xml glGenFramebuffers.xml glGenProgramPipelines.xml glGenQueries.xml glGenRenderbuffers.xml glGenSamplers.xml glGenTransformFeedbacks.xml glGenVertexArrays.xml glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv.xml glGetActiveAttrib.xml glGetActiveSubroutineName.xml glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName.xml glGetActiveSubroutineUniform.xml glGetActiveUniformBlockName.xml glGetActiveUniformBlock.xml glGetActiveUniformName.xml glGetActiveUniformsiv.xml glGetActiveUniform.xml glGetAttachedShaders.xml glGetAttribLocation.xml glGetBufferParameter.xml glGetBufferPointerv.xml glGetBufferSubData.xml glGetFragDataIndex.xml glGetFragDataLocation.xml glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameter.xml glGetInternalFormativ.xml glGetMultisample.xml glGetProgramBinary.xml glGetProgramInfoLog.xml glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog.xml glGetProgramPipeline.xml glGetProgramStage.xml glGetProgram.xml glGetQueryIndexed.xml glGetQueryiv.xml glGetQueryObject.xml glGetRenderbufferParameter.xml glGetSamplerParameter.xml glGetShaderInfoLog.xml glGetShaderPrecisionFormat.xml glGetShaderSource.xml glGetShader.xml glGetSubroutineIndex.xml glGetSubroutineUniformLocation.xml glGetSync.xml glGetTransformFeedbackVarying.xml glGetUniformBlockIndex.xml glGetUniformIndices.xml glGetUniformLocation.xml glGetUniformSubroutine.xml glGetUniform.xml glGetVertexAttribPointerv.xml glGetVertexAttrib.xml glIsBuffer.xml glIsFramebuffer.xml glIsProgramPipeline.xml glIsProgram.xml glIsQuery.xml glIsRenderbuffer.xml glIsSampler.xml glIsShader.xml glIsSync.xml glIsTransformFeedback.xml glIsVertexArray.xml glLinkProgram.xml glMapBufferRange.xml glMapBuffer.xml glMemoryBarrier.xml glMinSampleShading.xml glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex.xml glPatchParameter.xml glPauseTransformFeedback.xml glPrimitiveRestartIndex.xml glProgramBinary.xml glProgramParameter.xml glProgramUniform.xml glProvokingVertex.xml glQueryCounter.xml glReleaseShaderCompiler.xml glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.xml glRenderbufferStorage.xml glResumeTransformFeedback.xml glSampleMaski.xml glSamplerParameter.xml glScissorArray.xml glScissorIndexed.xml glShaderBinary.xml glShaderSource.xml glStencilFuncSeparate.xml glStencilMaskSeparate.xml glStencilOpSeparate.xml glTexBuffer.xml glTexImage2DMultisample.xml glTexImage3DMultisample.xml glTexStorage1D.xml glTexStorage2D.xml glTexStorage3D.xml glTransformFeedbackVaryings.xml glUniformBlockBinding.xml glUniformSubroutines.xml glUniform.xml glUseProgramStages.xml glUseProgram.xml glValidateProgramPipeline.xml glValidateProgram.xml glVertexAttribDivisor.xml glVertexAttribPointer.xml glVertexAttrib.xml glViewportArray.xml glViewportIndexed.xml glWaitSync.xml removedTypes.xml Copyright: (c) 2008-2012 The Khronos Group Inc. 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