# Register kitty as a handler for specific MIME types If you want to use kitty as the default handler for a set of MIME types, copy /usr/share/doc/kitty/examples/kitty-open.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications/. “xdg-mime” can be used to query (and adjust) what the default handler is for a given MIME type, in case you need to promote/demote kitty-open as the handler. Note kitty-open may execute files, rather than viewing them, so test the behavior with “xdg-open” on trusted files when changing the MIME types that kitty is registered for. # Input Method support You can enable input of non-Latin characters to the kitty terminal as follows: 1. Install an input method program based on ibus or fcitx5 2. Place the following file named "kitty" in PATH (e.g., ~/.local/bin or /usr/local/bin) 3. Make "kitty" script an executable. (`chmod 755 kitty`) --- #!/bin/sh -e GLFW_IM_MODULE=ibus exec /usr/bin/kitty "$@" --- fcitx5 uses the same communication protocol as ibus. So you use "ibus" even for "fcitx5". Other input method infrastructure such as "fcitx" and "uim" are not supported.