Kubernetes packages in Debian ============================= This Debian package is a WIP. It was released with the hope of being useful even in its current state. Suggestions are very much welcome on how to improve it! :) It is far from being perfect, or even complete. There are many interesting avenues left to explored. For example: How much of the bootstrapping should be automated in Debian? How to achieve that in a customizable way? How to support the multitude of possible configurations? HA? What about different network plugins and container runtimes? The list goes on. Eventually, it might be best to have kubectl, kubeadm and kubelet in Debian and defer many of the questions above to kubeadm. At the moment kubeadm is not built and kubelet is not available as a standalone package. The plan is to go in this direction, but still leave the current kubernetes-{node,master} packages for those who would like to run these components directly from systemd. These packages are built from the heavily original source tree, as is. There was a heated discussion around the extreme vendoring: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=971515 Note: this package may follow the release cadence of the upstream project which means minor versions are only supported for approximately one year. After the EOL of a minor version the stable package may be updated to the next lowest minor version. https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/release/version-skew-policy/ Copyright --------- The legal status of Kubernetes is complex to say the least. Much effort was done to check the license of every single dependency in vendor/ (see the copyright file). To my best knowleadge these are all in line with the DFSG. If you have a well founded doubt please contact me immediately. If at all possible it would be best to keep using the verbatim .orig.tar.gz files as they are released by the Kubernetes developers. The debian/copyright file was written by Dora Anna Lenart -- Janos Lenart 21 Mar 2020