Format: Upstream-Name: lcdproc Upstream-Contact: William W. Ferrell Files-Excluded: */ aclocal.m4 config.* configure Source: Files: * Copyright: 2009-2013 Markus Dolze 1999-2011 William Ferrell 1999-2011 Scott Scriven, Joris Robijn, F5 Networks, Inc., Peter Marschall and others, as specified in the corresponding source modules. License: GPL-2 Files: debian/* Copyright: 1998 Brian Bassett 2002 Noel Koethe 2003-2010 Jonathan Oxer 2006-2010 Jose Luis Tallon 2010 Nick Leverton 2011-2014 Dominique Dumont License: GPL-2 License: GPL-2 On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.