This is Debian Linux's version of the gdb tools for the hp palmtop. This package was put together by Darren Stalder <> with source from I release the packaging of these tools to the public domain. -- Darren Stalder From the man page: AUTHOR gdbload/gdbdump were written by Steven Roth,, and are being maintained by Arne Christensen, Contact the latter for bug reports, enhancement requests, or to get a copy of the source code. DISCLAIMER This program is released into the public domain and neither the author nor the maintainer place any restrictions on its use. We make no warranties or guarantees for this program and you use it at your own risk. This program is supplied by us personally and not by Hewlett-Packard Co. or Pine Tree Systems, which incur no obligations pertain- ing to it. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many thanks to Andy Gryc for publishing the details of the database file formats!