SASL authentication backend for Apache 2.2 in Debian ---------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT!!! ============ SASL Authentication Daemon runs with root privileges, required by certain authentication mechanisms. As a consequence, anyone that requires to talk to SASL Authentication Daemon must be part of SASL user group (recommended) or be run as root (highly discouraged)*. Highly recommended doing: root acheron[~]# adduser www-data sasl Adding user `www-data' to group `sasl' ... Adding user www-data to group sasl Done. For more information related to this matter, please take a look into SASL Authentication Daemon readme, on Debian systems you'll find at: /usr/share/doc/sasl2-bin/README.Debian.gz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (*) Note that, except the case you have a very custom set up on your webserver, changing Apache running user from 'www-data' (by default, or respective) to root is a VERY BAD idea, as it may provoke a serious security risk for your system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURING APACHE MODULE AND CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE =================================================== As this software is carried to you as an Apache module, you have to add it into Apache modules list. On Debian systems, this is easily done by a2enmod script: root acheron[~]# a2enmod authn_sasl Enabling module authn_sasl. Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration! root acheron[~]# invoke-rc.d apache2 reload Reloading web server config: apache2 Here is an example of an Apache AuthBasic restricted dir using SASL backend: Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order deny,allow Allow from localhost Deny from all AuthType Basic AuthName "Restricted to Staff users" AuthBasicProvider sasl AuthBasicAuthoritative On AuthSaslPwcheckMethod saslauthd Require user christy bob dominic Please, take into account that there is a very useful tool called testsaslauthd (provided by sasl2-bin package on Debian systems), to check if saslauthd (the SASL auth daemon) does indeed authenticate a user using default mechanism. Turned to be very useful when debuging for a possible auth problem. root acheron[~]# testsaslauthd -u christy -p mysecretpassword 0: OK "Success." -- Ulises Vitulli Sun, 30 Nov 2008 03:17:45 -0200