libapache2-mod-lisp for Debian ----------------------------- Please visit for more information. The package does not do any automatic configuration. Please configure Apache2 appropriately, according to the following instructions. Configuration ------------- In the Apache2 config file "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf": Add a LispServer directive: LispServer IP-ADDRESS IP-PORT USER-DEFINED-NAME where IP-ADDRESS is the ip address of the computer where the Lisp process is. IP-PORT is the ip port of the computer where the Lisp process is. USER-DEFINED-NAME is a string that will be passed from Apache to the Lisp process. It is useful when you have several virtual servers or directories, defined within an Apache server, to be processed by mod_lisp. For example: LispServer 3000 "fractal" Then add a SetHandler directive: SetHandler lisp-handler All of the URLs located in /asp (e.g. "/asp/index.html") will be sent to the Lisp process. It is recommended that you wrap the above directives in an IfModule block, like this: LispServer 3000 "fractal" ... SetHandler lisp-handler After you having finished configuration, restart Apache2.