libapache2-mod-rpaf for Debian ------------------------------ The mod_remoteip, available in the Apache 2.4 (Debian Jessie) can be used for the same purpose: This module should be considered as deprecated after Jessie. Transition to the remoteip module --------------------------------- The following configuraion snippet for mod_remoteip match the default mod_rpaf's configuration: -->8-- RemoteIPInternalProxy ::1 RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For # RemoteIPHeader X-Real-IP -->8-- You should add this (along with local customisations) to the /etc/apache2/mods-available/mod_remoteip.conf file, then do: a2enmod remoteip a2dismod rpaf service apache2 restart At this point you could remove the libapache2-mod-rpaf package.