libautobox-list-util-perl (20090629-2) unstable; urgency=low [ Ivan Kohler ] * Added Vcs-* pointing to our repo [ Fabrizio Regalli ] * Add myself to Uploaders and Copyright. * Switch d/compat to 8. * Build-Depends: switch to debhelper (>= 8). * Bump to 3.0 quilt format. [ Ansgar Burchardt ] * debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git. [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/control: update {versioned,alternative} (build) dependencies. [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Change Vcs-Git to canonical URI (git:// [ Xavier Guimard ] * Update debian/copyright (years and format) * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4 * Add missing runtime dependency on libautobox-perl [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Change based URIs to based URIs -- Xavier Guimard Fri, 08 Feb 2013 21:35:23 +0100 libautobox-list-util-perl (20090629-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Jeremiah C. Foster ] - Packaging and initial TODO (all the hard work). [ Ivan Kohler ] * d/control: + removed ", perl (>= 5.10) | libmodule-build-perl", there's a traditional Makefile.PL which is used by debhelper + removed trailing space from Maintainer + No indication of upstream VCS information, so nothing to do about lack of Vcs-* fields at this time + Improved short and long descriptions + Add myself to Uploaders: + Standards-Vesion 3.8.4 * d/changelog: add -1 to version * d/copyright: add year of upstream copyright * svn rm Makefile.old (not in upstream tarball) * Initial Release. (Closes: #567412) -- Ivan Kohler Sat, 24 Apr 2010 17:14:06 -0700