Format: Upstream-Name: Apache Commons FileUpload Upstream-Contact: Apache Commons Developers Source: Files-Excluded: .idea *.iml site-content/* Files: * Copyright: 2002-2023, The Apache Software Foundation. License: Apache-2.0 Comment: Upstream authors: Martin Cooper dIon Gillard , John McNally , Daniel Rall , Jason van Zyl , Robert Burrell Donkin , Sean C. Sullivan , Jochen Wiedmann , Aaron Freeman , Gary Gregory , Michael Macaluso , Amichai Rothman , Alexander Sova , Thomas Vandahl , Henry Yandell Files: debian/* Copyright: 2003-2005, Arnaud Vandyck 2006, Wolfgang Baer 2007-2009, Michael Koch 2010, Thierry Carrez 2010, Damien Raude-Morvan 2013-2024, Salvatore Bonaccorso 2013-2024, Emmanuel Bourg 2013-2024, tony mancill License: Apache-2.0 License: Apache-2.0 On Debian systems, the full text of the Apache License can be found in the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'.