libextractor-python (1:0.6-4) unstable; urgency=low * QA upload. (Closes: #674616) -- Holger Levsen Sun, 27 May 2012 22:14:23 +0000 libextractor-python (1:0.6-3) experimental; urgency=low * Orphaning package. -- Daniel Baumann Sun, 19 Feb 2012 09:15:09 +0000 libextractor-python (1:0.6-2) experimental; urgency=low * Adding epoche in versioned depends on libextractor. * Using compression level 9 also for binary packages. * Updating manual depends on libextractor, thanks to Alban Browaeys (Closes: #648709). -- Daniel Baumann Mon, 14 Nov 2011 23:40:03 +0100 libextractor-python (1:0.6-1) experimental; urgency=low * Merging upstream version 0.6. * Updating maintainer and uploaders fields. * Removing vcs fields. * Removing references to my old email address. * Updating ot debhelper version 8. * Updating to standards version 3.9.2. * Updating homepage field. * Making depends on libextractor versioned for 0.6. * Switching to source format 3.0 (quilt). * Making packaging distribution neutral. * Updating years in copyright file. * Compacting copyright file. * Switching to dh_python2. -- Daniel Baumann Sat, 10 Sep 2011 08:48:23 +0200 libextractor-python (1:0.5-8.1) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * Rebuild to add Python 2.7 support -- Piotr Ożarowski Sun, 08 May 2011 16:45:41 +0200 libextractor-python (1:0.5-8) unstable; urgency=low * Updating year in copyright file. * Updating to standards 3.8.4. * Removing python-all-dev build-depends. -- Daniel Baumann Tue, 06 Apr 2010 21:50:47 +0200 libextractor-python (1:0.5-7) unstable; urgency=low * Updating to standards version 3.8.3. * Adding maintainer homepage field to control. * Marking maintainer homepage field to be also included in binary packages and changelog. * Adding README.source. * Adding explicit source version 1.0 until switch to 3.0. * Moving maintainer homepage from contro to copyright. * Bumping versioned build-depends on debhelper. * Dropping depends on python-ctypes for python2.4 removal (Closes: #562472). * Updating README.source. -- Daniel Baumann Sun, 27 Dec 2009 14:03:16 +0100 libextractor-python (1:0.5-6) unstable; urgency=low * Updating maintainer field. * Updating vcs fields. * Updating package to standards version 3.8.2. * Removing not useful AUTHORS file, no new information over copyright file. * Minimizing rules file. * Using correct rfc-2822 date formats in changelog. -- Daniel Baumann Mon, 10 Aug 2009 21:39:50 +0200 libextractor-python (1:0.5-5) unstable; urgency=low * Updating vcs fields in control file. * Replacing obsolete dh_clean -k with dh_prep. * Removing Arnaud from uploaders, he is MIA (Closes: #513168). * Updating year in copyright file. * Prefixing debhelper files with package name. -- Daniel Baumann Thu, 05 Feb 2009 01:01:00 +0100 libextractor-python (1:0.5-4) unstable; urgency=low * Reordering rules file. * Rewriting copyright file in machine-interpretable format. * Unifying package short description. * Adding vcs fields in control file. * Upgrading package to standards 3.8.0. * Upgrading package to debhelper 7. -- Daniel Baumann Thu, 03 Jul 2008 13:53:00 +0200 libextractor-python (1:0.5-3) unstable; urgency=low * Bumping to new policy. * Using new homepage field in control. * Adding ${misc:Depends} to depends. * Corrected package sections. -- Daniel Baumann Sun, 23 Dec 2007 16:13:00 +0100 libextractor-python (1:0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low * Minor formal changes. * Moving to an example (Closes: #407551), thanks Enrico for the suggestion. -- Daniel Baumann Sun, 21 Jan 2007 14:31:00 +0100 libextractor-python (1:0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * Acknowledge python-NMU (Closes: #380853). -- Daniel Baumann Tue, 05 Sep 2006 07:33:00 +0200 libextractor-python (1:0.5-0.1) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * Update package to the last python policy (Closes: #380853). * Rename the package to python-extractor. * build for every available version. -- Pierre Habouzit Tue, 29 Aug 2006 23:21:44 +0200 libextractor-python (1:0.5) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release (now with 'new' versioning scheme). * New email address. * Bumped policy version. -- Daniel Baumann Sun, 30 Jul 2006 08:22:00 +0200 libextractor-python (0.5.4+2496-1) unstable; urgency=low * New snapshot: - default python version can be switched (Closes: #356464). -- Daniel Baumann Sun, 12 Mar 2006 08:53:00 +0100 libextractor-python (0.5.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. -- Daniel Baumann Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:20:00 +0100 libextractor-python (0.5.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * Recompiled against latest transition of libextractor. * Added Arnaud as uploader. -- Daniel Baumann Mon, 28 Nov 2005 10:46:00 +0100 libextractor-python (0.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. -- Daniel Baumann Sun, 21 Aug 2005 15:58:00 +0200