libmpikmeans (1.5+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Migrate git repo to Debian-Science at * debian/control: - Update Vcs-* URLs to point to new location - control: Add XS-Testsuite * debian/tests/*: - Define an autopkgtest that runs the examples from the documentation -- Christian Kastner Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:39:08 -0700 libmpikmeans (1.5+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: - Add Multi-Arch fields to packages where necessary - Add Pre-Depends for package liblinear1 * debian/rules: - Install to multi-arch locations * debian/*.install: - Update paths as a consequence of the new install target and multi-arch-ification * debian/patches (updated): - 0001-Properly-build-shared-and-static-libraries-programs Add an install target to upstream's Makefile, with configurable destinations for libraries and executables -- Christian Kastner Sun, 27 Jul 2014 01:13:16 +0200 libmpikmeans (1.5+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed upstream version number (indicate DFSG-cleaned upstream source) * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed) * Bumped debhelper compatibility level to 9 - No longer manually move debugging symbols files from broken locations (pyshared / pymodules), dh_strip now uses build-id * Converted to dh_python2 - Added X-Python-Version >= 2.5 to debian/control - Removed obsolete debian/pyversions - Added python2 to dh sequence to debian/rules * Updated debian/rules to make use of dpkg-buildflags, for hardening * Updated debian/copyright to machine-readable format v1.0 * Created debian/gbp.conf (package is based on dfsg, not upstream) * Let libmpikmeans1 Suggest libmpikmeans-tools * Moved examples from package libmpikmeans1 to mpikmeans-tools * lintian: - Added override for debian-watch-file-is-missing * debian/patches (modified): - 0001-Properly-build-shared-and-static-libraries-programs Fixed missing/wrong build flags -- Christian Kastner Fri, 21 Feb 2014 12:17:57 +0100 libmpikmeans (1.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #622275) * debian/patches: - 0001-Properly-build-shared-and-static-libraries-programs - 0002-Drop-unused-option - 0003-Correct-command-name-in-help -- Christian Kastner Wed, 13 Apr 2011 00:07:57 +0200