libucimf for Debian ------------------- Binary package ucimf provides a script `/usr/bin/ucimf_start' which is intended to be used to start the input method framework conveniently, but fbterm in Debian is not setuid to root and without root privilege users cannot use keyboard shortcut, the ucimf input method framework commonly needs Ctrl-Space to start. So if the user wants to make this script works well, it is required to set the script's mode to 6755 and user/group to root/utmp. There is another way to start the program, to install fbterm-ucimf package as well and run `fbterm -i fbterm_ucimf', this is the recommended way introduced in the man pages because it avoids security risks brought by setuid to root. But there are still some problems in Debian's fbterm package which caused the script mentioned at first doesn't work even if setuid is done, and the second solution doesn't work without setuid, we will find a way to solve it soon. Currently, we need to install the fbterm-ucimf package, set fbterm's mode to 6755, and user/group to root/utmp, start fbterm with `fbterm -i fbterm_ucimf' and press Ctrl+Space to activate the input method. -- Aron Xu Fri, 29 Jan 2010 17:30:45 +0800