libxml-atom-service-perl (0.16.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * debian/control: Use HTTPS transport protocol for Vcs-Git URI [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/copyright: change Copyright-Format 1.0 URL to HTTPS. * Remove Fabrizio Regalli from Uploaders. Thanks for your work! * Remove Jose Luis Rivas from Uploaders. Thanks for your work! [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Update Vcs-* headers for switch to [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/watch: use uscan version 4. -- Jelmer Vernooij <> Tue, 28 Jun 2022 22:47:55 +0100 libxml-atom-service-perl (0.16.2-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non maintainer upload by the Reproducible Builds team. * No source change upload to rebuild on buildd with .buildinfo files. -- Holger Levsen <> Wed, 06 Jan 2021 19:29:11 +0100 libxml-atom-service-perl (0.16.2-2) unstable; urgency=low [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Change Vcs-Git to canonical URI (git:// * Change based URIs to based URIs [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/control: remove Nicholas Bamber from Uploaders on request of the MIA team. * Strip trailing slash from metacpan URLs. [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Update Vcs-Browser URL to cgit web frontend [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/control: update Module::Build dependency. * Update years of packaging copyright. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6. * Mark package as autopkgtest-able. -- gregor herrmann <> Fri, 29 May 2015 18:26:08 +0200 libxml-atom-service-perl (0.16.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Imported Upstream version 0.16.2 * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 * Add myself to Uploaders and Copyright * Update debian/copyright format as in Debian Policy 3.9.3 * Remove utf8-case.patch patch: code is now included in source * Add libtest-nowarnings-perl to B-D-I and sort them * Add perl (>= 5.13.11) | libmodule-build-perl (>= 0.380000) to B-D -- Fabrizio Regalli <> Wed, 04 Apr 2012 21:09:29 +0200 libxml-atom-service-perl (0.16.1-2) unstable; urgency=low [ Ansgar Burchardt ] * debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git. [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * debian/copyright: Replace DEP5 Format-Specification URL from to URL. [ gregor herrmann ] * Add a patch to make 2 regexp in the test suite case-insensitive; XML::Atom has changed from utf-8 to UTF-8 in 0.40. Thanks to Dominic Hargreaves for the bug report (closes: #646296). * Update years of packaging copyright. * Set Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes). -- gregor herrmann <> Sun, 23 Oct 2011 02:10:18 +0200 libxml-atom-service-perl (0.16.1-1) unstable; urgency=low [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/control: Changed: (build-)depend on perl instead of perl- modules. [ Nicholas Bamber ] * Added myself to Uploaders * Upped standards version * Fixed watch file * New upstream release * echo '3.0 (quilt)' > debian/source/format * Refreshed copyright * Simplified dependencies * Simplified and modernized debian/rules * Upped compat and debhelper version to 8 -- Nicholas Bamber <> Wed, 20 Oct 2010 21:23:05 +0100 libxml-atom-service-perl (0.16.0-2) unstable; urgency=low [ David Paleino ] * Removed myself from Uploaders (Closes: #509503) * debian/lintian-overrides removed, was useless [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/control: - switch Vcs-Browser field to ViewSVN - add perl-modules (>= 5.10) as an alternative build dependency to libmodule-build-perl * Set debhelper compatibility level to 7; adapt debian/{control,compat,rules}. * debian/copyright: add "headers". -- gregor herrmann <> Wed, 07 Jan 2009 16:26:53 +0100 libxml-atom-service-perl (0.16.0-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Jose Luis Rivas ] * New upstream release * debian/control: + Bumped to 3.8.0, no changes needed. * Initial upload to debian archive (Closes: #458809) * Fixed typo in license path at debian/copyright. [ gregor herrmann ] * Add libxml-atom-perl, libtest-pod-perl, libtest-pod-coverage-perl to Build-Depends-Indep; move libtest-perl-critic-perl to Build-Depends-Indep. * Allow perl-modules (>= 5.10) as an alternative to libversion-perl. * Refresh debian/rules, no functional changes, except: don't install README. * Add lintian override for manpage problem (long line caused by a long URL). * Add /me to Uploaders. * debian/copyright: re-arrange stanzas and add detailed license information. -- Jose Luis Rivas <> Sun, 13 Jul 2008 18:41:25 -0430 libxml-atom-service-perl (0.15.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release -- David Paleino <> Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:19:47 +0200