maradns for Debian ------------------ This version of MaraDNS works as authoritative or/and recursive server. The main configuration file is in /etc/maradns/mararc on Debian systems, not /etc/mararc. Below are guides to two typical setups: Recursive: ---------- Usually good enough to: sudo cp /usr/share/doc/maradns/en/examples/example_recursive_mararc.txt /etc/maradns/mararc BUT please use the uid and gid of the default mararc. Look up the maradns uid and gid with `id`. You might want to throw in: hide_disclaimer = "YES" And use icann root servers instead. Authoritative: -------------- If you have a server on the Internet and you would like to serve Web applications off subdomains, read all the instructions carefully. You own the domain When visitors go to these pages are simply served by your server from /web/ 1) You need apache configured with vhost alias: Apache 1.3: bilbo$ cat /etc/apache/modules.conf | grep vhost LoadModule vhost_alias_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ Apache 2.0: 2) In your mararc, you need a line that such as: csv1[""] = "wildcard" Then in /etc/maradns you need a file named "wildcard" from /usr/share/doc/maradns/en/examples/ and replace the IPs with your server's IP address. 3) Test! bilbo$ dig @localhost Is the correct IP coming back? 4) Then set your nameservers at your domain registrar to point to your server by plugging in your IP address. Advantages: * No need to restart apache after adding subdomain (or Web application) * Much cleaner Web application setup * Web applications are contained. Overrides must be done by .htaccess with httpd.conf edits avoided * Better looking URLs (Good Web applications are designed around the URL) Disadvantages: * DocumentRoot becomes VirtualDocumentRoot * Logfiles can become tricky, try apache2-utils which contains split-logfile * anything.domain will resolve :) This is not advisable outside a hobbyist/developer use * there is no consensus that subdomains for different webapps is a good idea! (See FHS) References: resolvconf Integration ---------------------- If you set RESOLVCONF_UPDATE_FORWARDERS to a true value in /etc/default/maradns, and resolvconf is installed, it can tell maradns whenever the upstream DNS servers change. It does this by adding and managing a line similar to the following to /etc/maradns/mararc: ipv4_alias["resolvconf_nameservers"] = "," This by itself does not do anything, but if you wish to have maradns use the nameservers determined by resolvconf, add the following two lines to your configuration: upstream_servers = {} upstream_servers["."] = "resolvconf_nameservers" Please note that only the main server is supported. If you define multiple SERVERS in /etc/default/maradns, you will need to figure out what to do (and send a patch).