Format: Upstream-Name: midicsv Source: Files: * Copyright: 1995-2004 John Walker @ License: public-domain Designed and implemented in December of 1995 by John Walker. Revised and updated by John Walker in October 1998 and February 2004. This program is in the public domain. Files: getopt.[ch] Copyright: 1984 Keith Bostic 2001 John Walker @ License: public-domain (getopt.c): Subject: public domain getopt(3) "... I rewrote the public version of getopt." [Bostic] Files: test.mid Copyright: 1996-2015 Bernd Krueger Comment: MIDI file source: License: CC-BY-SA The MIDI, audio(MP3, OGG) and video files of Bernd Krueger are licensed under the cc-by-sa Germany License [ ] This means, that you can use and adapt the files, as long as you contribute to the copyright holder. . Name: Bernd Krueger Source: . The distribution or public playback of the files is only allowed under identical license conditions. . The scores are open source. Files: debian/* Copyright: 2015 Kamal Mostafa License: GPL-2+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".