Music Player Daemon (MPD) for Debian ------------------------------------ MPD and desktop sessions: pulseaudio/pipewire ============================================= Traditionally, MPD used to run as a system service starting on boot. This works well on headless boxes, however if you log into a graphical desktop session chances are you are using a sound server (pulseaudio or pipewire) which has been the default on Debian for some time. This has two implications: 1. There is no sound server for MPD to connect to after boot, the user sound server only starts when a user actually logs in. 2. Access to the user sound server that is started after login is restricted to the same user account for security reasons, so the mpd system user is not allowed to play sound in a user session. The easiest way to solve these problems is to start MPD from the user session and disable the system service: sudo systemctl disable --now mpd systemctl --user enable mpd Every user should then provide MPD with its own set of configuration and database files: mkdir ~/.config/mpd zcat /usr/share/doc/mpd/mpdconf.example.gz > ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf Review the paths in the "Files and directories" section, and enable the right audio_output (pulse or pipewire). Also consider limiting bind_to_address to "localhost" or a local socket, or set a password to restrict access to MPD. Then start MPD: systemctl --user start mpd If you don't use systemd, there is an mpd.desktop file which can be placed into /etc/xdg/autostart or ~/.config/autostart to start MPD as part of the desktop session. Updating the database ======================= On first startup, MPD will automatically scan the music directory and populate its database. After that, whenever you add, remove or change songs you need to trigger a database update manually, for example by running mpc update from the mpc package. This can take a while, depending on the size of your music collection and the speed of the storage. Note you can symlink your music into MPD's music directory instead of actually moving it there. Notes on specific sound servers =============================== When using ALSA with dmix, you may run into problems sharing the sound card between the "mpd" user and your own account. A workaround is to use ALSA's "ipc_key_add_uid" and "ipc_perm" directives. See the ALSA documentation for instructions on how to add this to your configuration. Similarly, if you plan to use a JACK output, you might need to make mpd and jackd run under the same user, since a typical JACK setup doesn't permit several users to access the sound daemon.