***** Installing munin-async ***** When using munin, one often runs into one of two problems: * There are so many nodes to update, the update takes more than the update interval * Some servers may be connected over flaky lines, so an update may be lost due to timeout With version 2.0, the designers of munin have started addressing those problems. Today we look at one part of that solution, munin-async. Note that I am using the packages from Debian testing. Your experience on other OSs may vary. Here are the steps I needed to take in order for the client to collect munin-async data from the various servers: **** Install munin-async on the monitored machines AND the graphing server **** The munin-async Debian package contains both the client AND the server scripts for async work. This is not consistent, since previously all the data fetching scripts were in the munin package, and all the data serving scripts were in the munin-node package. It also means that you have to install munin-async (creating the munin-async user, with its own entry in passwd file and its shell set to /bin/bash) on the server, not just on the clients. I don’t like leaving that open. (on remote machine and on server) apt-get install munin-async **** Start munin-asyncd on servers where data is to be collected **** (on remote machine) service munin-async start **** Prepare the master for using ssh to connect to servers **** Change the shell of the munin user to bash so you can do these changes as the munin user: vipw su - munin cd /var/lib/munin mkdir .ssh cd .ssh ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f /var/lib/munin/.ssh/id_rsa cat /var/lib/munin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Place the ssh public key in /var/lib/munin-async/.ssh) (on the remote machine) mkdir /var/lib/munin-async/.ssh (on the server) scp /var/lib/munin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@example.net:/var/lib/munin-async/.ssh/authorized_keys chown -R munin:munin /var/lib/munin/.ssh ssh munin-async@example.net exit Note that you need to check the connection for EVERY host from which you intend to collect data in the async manner. munin is NOT handling this dialogue: The authenticity of host 'example.net (2600:more:fool:you:f9b)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 61:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'example.net,2600:moore:fool:you:f9b' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. So you need to log in “by hand” first, from the user munin, in order to record the key. Or you need to copy the key from antoher known_hosts file, which may be tricky. Now change the shell of munin back to /bin/false, for security. chsh -s /bin/false munin **** Change the system definition in /etc/munin/munin.conf **** (or, as I prefer to do it, in /etc/munin/munin-conf.d/hostlist.conf ). [async.my-machine.net] address ssh://munin-async@example.net /usr/share/munin/munin-async --spooldir /var/lib/munin/spool --spoolfetch use_node_name yes I am using async in the definition name merely so that I can compare the data from the two collection methods. **** Security enhancement **** To prevent your monitored server being compromised if someone manages to break into your munin collection server, you should edit the /var/lib/munin- async/.ssh/authorized_keys file and add no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc,command="/usr/share/munin/munin-async --spooldir /var/lib/munin-async --spoolfetch" to the beginning of the relevant line. Additionally consider from="(remote machine IPs)". **** Adding plugins **** When you add a plugin, it won’t be visible unless you first restart munin-node and THEN munin-async. **** Troubleshooting tips **** If you haven’t logged in to the host “by hand” or added its keys to known_hosts some other way, the fetch will fail. The only log in the munin- update file will say something like: Socket read from async.example.net failed. A Terminating process. at /usr/ share/perl5/Munin/Master/UpdateWorker.pm line ... Another possible cause of mysterious failure to fetch data from the remote host (that does not give a clear error message) is munin-asyncd not running on the target server, or having no prefetched data yet. **** Additional ideas **** Balint Deak suggested in a post on the munin-users mailing list: What I would add to this is that if you have many hosts, or hosts are added on a daily basis, it may be annoying to always remember to log in to each new box and say “yes” at the prompt. If you create a config file for ssh in the $HOME/.ssh/config for the user that runs the master (defaults to ‘munin’) and tell ssh not to check the host key when authenticating, then no prompt will be displayed even for new or unknown hosts. Add something like: Host * UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null StrictHostKeyChecking=no I don’t think this makes the setup less secure, but it would make the automation of adding new hosts to the system easier. Regards, Balint From http://www.matija.si/system-administration/2012/07/15/installing-munin-async/ with edits from Daniel Black