Please note the following customizations of the Net-SNMP packages for Debian. - It doesn't ship some MIBs (IANA, IETF) from license reason. Please download it (Bug#479633, etc) - The default configuration for snmpd is rather paranoid for security reasons. Edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf or run snmpconf to allow greater access. - The snmpconf program provides a simple, menu driven way of configuring the snmp applications and daemons. - You can individually control whether or not snmpd and snmpdtrap are run by editing /etc/default/snmp. In addition, neither daemon will be run if its config file in /etc/snmp is removed. - As of net-snmp version 5.0, the community string can no longer be specified after the agent parameter on the command line. It must now be specified with the -c option. Please see snmpcmd(1) for more information. - snmpd is built with TCP Wrappers. Make sure your /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files account for this.