$Debian: nmh/debian/README.Debian,v 1.3 2001/11/08 22:47:04 dsp Exp $ nmh for Debian GNU/Linux ------------------------ This package conflicts, replaces, and provides the mh package. Its configuration files are in /etc/nmh, but it uses /usr/bin/mh/ and /usr/lib/mh/ (rather than nmh) to avoid confusing exmh and other front ends. Please read /usr/share/doc/nmh/DIFFERENCES.gz to find out about what's different from MH. repl ---- One of the differences between MH and nmh is the repl command. The default reply template no longer contains the Cc: header line. Instead, there is a new reply template file `replgroupcomps' which is used when repl is invoked with the -group switch. exmh ---- If you use a version of exmh older than 2.0.2-2, please add the following to your ~/.exmh-defaults file to invoke `repl -group' when you use the Reply All menu item: *Mops.reply.m.c_replyall: Msg_Reply -group scan ---- To see non-ASCII characters in MIME-encoded headers in a scan listing, you need to set the MM_CHARSET environment variable to your native character set, and the LC_CTYPE environment variable to a locale using that character set. For example: export MM_CHARSET=ISO-8859-1 export LC_CTYPE=en_US.ISO-8859-1 metamail -------- The mhn program has been configured to use metamail to automatically invoke the appropriate helper applications for MIME messages. The metamail package must be installed to use this functionality. If you do not wish to use metamail, please read the manual page mhn(1) and edit the file /etc/nmh/mhn.defaults. spost ----- Normally, nmh sends mail by starting a SMTP session with the local host. If you want to invoke the MTA directly, include the following line into your ~/.mh_profile: postproc: /usr/lib/mh/spost